Sebi on Monday came out with a standard operating procedure (SOP) asking stock exchanges having commodity derivatives segment to inform about trading disruptions within 15 minutes of such occurrences and extending the trading time by 30 minutes in certain outage conditions.
Stock exchange outage means stoppage of continuous trading, either suo moto by exchange or by virtue of reasons beyond control of stock exchange.
If an outage occurs on one exchange, market hours will remain unchanged on unaffected exchange, Sebi said in a circular.
Under the SOP, the stock exchange that suffered the outage will have to intimate Sebi immediately after the occurrence of the outage, while the bourse has to inform market participants and trading members within 15 minutes from the occurrence of an outage through broadcast message and by publishing on its website.
Further, the affected stock exchange would update about the ongoing outage in the time intervals of 45 minutes from the initial intimation
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