This should be viewed in light of possible IPO for Quess. There were news report of conflicts between Thomas Cook’s management ( aka Fairfax ) and Ajit Isaac. There we were – Prem Watsa’s standing their and not able to fork out Quess with Ajit in it, Ajit Isaac not wanting to have long term commitment without having significant stake in it and minority shareholders waiting for IPO .
In this context , I view it as solution to grid lock so we all could march ahead.
Second, Mr. Isaac is putting 1 million shares for 8 year lock in. So we can be reasonably assured of Mr. Isaac being with Quess till 2023. if Adecco had similar deal for him when buying PoepleOne , we might not have got Quess. Mr. Isaac can move out and rebuild it all over again on his own.
Then, I doubt if I would have liked any rights issued to me with more than 1 year lock-in period.
In the over all context and bigger plans of Thomas cook, I would be in favor of TC resolving matters fast. My bigger worry would be if they do not fork out Quess or keep repeating same mistake in future.
Disc – Invested
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