Capital markets watchdog Sebi on Tuesday initiated the process to hire 49 officers in different departments this year, a move that will help in faster and more effective execution of its regulatory role.
This came after the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) invited applications in March for the 97 senior-level posts.
The link for submitting the application online was originally scheduled to open on April 13. However, it was decided to postpone the same due to the schedule of the General Elections.
Now, in a fresh notice on Tuesday, Sebi has invited applications for 49 posts of Officer Grade A (Assistant Manager) for General, legal, information technology, engineering electrical, research and official language streams.
The link for submitting the application online will be open till June 30.
The regulator is looking to fill 34 positions in the General stream, 10 in information technology, two in the legal team and one each in engineering (electrical), research and offic
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