Sold out Avanti feeds fully at 637, might get in around 500s if market permits
Sold out and booked -45% loss in Heranba at 300, it apparently moved +12% after I sold such is market. It has been the case with most till date, but you do what you gotta do
Sold out Matrimony at -1% loss after holding 2+ years, might get it at 500s if market permits. Sold as my buy price was not justifying the growth
Overall with all above three positions CAGR was 12% which is kind of bad. Other than that portfolio stands at +30%
Holding good cash like 15%, looking for some options to deploy. Radiant is one option but want to check into some large cap. Star health looks okay but unable to convince myself of the valuation
I think I am being more active in terms of portfolio turnover than required, need to keep it in check but then it’s a process and keeps evolving maybe. Postmortem will teach the lessons later on
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