Hello VP Members & Admin,
I would like to add my top 5 books that helped to create, shape my habits and approach to pick investments.
- Richest Men in Babylon & Rich Dad Poor Dad Cash Flow Quadrant – These are two different books, but both are very basics for me to understand the framework to start savings as a habit & how to differentiate the cashflows in personal finance.
For short description about the books:
Rich Dad Poor Dad (Guide to investing) – This books really gave me the clarity on the amount of effort I need put, to learn about the investment opportunities (basically building assets).
Intelligent Investor – this is were i learned about mutual fund investments, direct investments and debt instruments. Even thought i didn’t grasp all the information at first read, but got the ideas on how to start the investments in equity market.
Learn to Earn & One Up on wall street – these books helped me to understand the logical reasoning behind equity investments and how to identify the investments.
Fundamental Analysis for Dummies – as above mentioned books gave me ideas to identify the ideas to invest, this book gave me clarity to measure the valuation by reading the financial statements.
To be honest, above mentioned books are the ones helped me shape my mind but actually learning never stopped. let me know if you would like to know about others books I would recommend.
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