**** Pre-requisite – How to read financials of Zaggle***
SaaS fees and program fees are reported both on a net basis with almost no direct expenses involved which give us a gross margin of about 94%, 95%.
In contrast, propel point revenues are recognized on a gross basis and the gross margin for this varies between 7% to 10%.
Program fees (revenue side) encompass various revenue streams including interchange income and incentives from networks like Visa and Rupay.
- Program fees (expense side) have 3 components –
- cashback for prepaid cards,
- cashback for business credit cards
- cost of funds.
FY’23 – had one component which was cashback against on prepaid cards.
- What are Intangible assets under development?
- One is Zoyer, which is yet to go completely live.
- ZatiX is the analytical platform, will capitalize once it gets completely done.
- ESOP guidance for FY’25
- With the existing set of costs, without any new issuance of ESOPs, FY25 will be around INR8 crores & INR3 crores is FY’26.
- Will the take rates remain constant
- It is evolving as more and more expenses are being incurred on recharges. Gas, fuel, electricity, etc. which have lower take rates but overall take rates should remain constant at 1.8%.
- Seasonality:
Business does anywhere between 35% to 40% of revenue in the H1, and 60% to 65% of the business in H2
- Working capital will be in three categories –
- SaaS fee – 50-60 days,
- Program fee, which Zaggle largely charge towards the banks – 50 – 60 days
- Propel point redemption – sometimes Zaggle must give them redemption upfront – 30 days
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