Hi Abhishek, I see Kamadhenu ghee also besides Durga but the shelf space is limited and also the packaging is not as attractive as Durga ghee.
- The packaging is white in color
- Cow ghee is used for pujas at home, temples etc. so I believe it’s not as much consumer product as Durga is
- I do not know what %ge of sales are split between Durga and Kamadhenu but I surmise lion’s share is taken by Durga ghee itself.
- Since this is for pujas, not sure how brand conscious would people be, they would most likely buy ‘any’ cow ghee except for may be someone who wants a particular brand.
- Since Durga ghee is made to use sweets, mix with baby food, people want best ghee (for kids), tasty ghee etc.
These are just observational thoughts on cow ghee and not much research/enquiry has been done.
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