Pl dont mind, but my sense is you are clutching at straws to vent your feelings and quoting out of context. I heard the full concall.
The comment was made in the context when someone asked why the nbfc was more profitable. He never said he regretted the license. On the contrary he praised dr. Lal for acquiring grama vidyal and helping them grow psl.
Cost to income ratio … see rbl bank, yes bank these are in 60s and 70 C I ratios.
You are sayiing deapite being in operation for 10 years by 2027. Hello, 10 years is nothing for building liab franchise. It takes much longer. Anycase first 3 of thise 10 years were useless…
On the contrary capital first shareholder like me should be and is upset that he cleaning the unsolvable issue of idfc bank with 1.6 pc nim 95 pc cost to income ratio. So 8 years effectively from 2019 to 2027, if vv really brings cost to income to 65, it will be a super great achievement.
I spoke to a few managers and they said they are using his name for raising deposits, customers also say if vv is there all is great and give more deposits… am not eulogising, just quoting. For whatever it is worth the name is a good name
On book quality, they have clearly called out the extent and said 20 bps.
On returns i have tracked and commented on this stock feom day 1 of merger (commented negatively). Stick was some 38 at merger. Today 75. Up 100 pc. Pls check your facts.
Nifty private bank given 69 pc probably because of hdfc kotak heavyweights
All in all think they are delivering on the counts and practically saved the bank, though doing a great job of a job they shouldnt be doing in the first place…
Warren buffet also said its not worth doing well what is not worth doing at all
What was the need for capital first to get banking licence so much? It should have just gone and got a banking license directly… it would be smiling all the way with its own deposits.
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