Capital markets watchdog Sebi has imposed penalty totalling Rs 2 crore on seven entities, including JM Financial Asset Management Ltd, its trustee and its former CEO Bhanu Katoch, for flouting regulatory norms.
The fine needs to be paid within 45 days, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in its order.
Individually, a fine of Rs 25 lakh was levied on JM Financial Asset Management, Rs 10 lakh on JM Financial Trustee Company, Rs 1.1 crore on Bhanu Katoch, Rs 17 lakh on his mother Swarn Lata Katoch and Rs 8 lakh on his wife Sharika Kher.
Additionally, the regulator slapped a fine of Rs 22 lakh on Deepen Doshi, who was head of institutional sales at JM Financial Asset Management during the violation, and Rs 9 lakh on his mother Aruna Doshi.
In its order, Sebi noted that these five persons invested in certain JM Financial Mutual Fund schemes, holding defaulted Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) securities before the valuation change, using unpublished …
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