Continuing its broadside against Sebi chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch, US short-seller Hindenburg Research has asked her to come clean on the clients of a consulting firm in which she held stake even while being in office.
Hours after Madhabi and her husband, Dhaval issued a statement calling Hindenburg’s latest tirade as an attack on the credibility of Sebi and attempted “character assassination”, Hindenburg in a series of posts on X said their response includes several important admissions and raised numerous new critical questions.
“Buch’s response now publicly confirms her investment in an obscure Bermuda/Mauritius fund structure, alongside money allegedly siphoned by Vinod Adani. She also confirmed the fund was run by a childhood friend of her husband, who at the time was an Adani director,” it said.
Hindenburg had on Saturday alleged that the Buchs opened an account in 2015 with a wealth management firm in Singapore to invest undisclosed sum of money in a Mauritius-registered ..
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