Markets regulator Sebi has debarred 14 entities including, Rana Sugars promoters’ and other related entities from the securities markets for two years and slapped a Rs 63-crore fine on them on charges of diversion of funds.
The regulator also prohibited Inder Pratap Singh Rana (promoter), Ranjit Singh Rana (Chairman), Veer Pratap Singh Rana (MD), Gurjeet Singh Rana, Karan Pratap Singh Rana, Rajbans Kaur, Preet Inder Singh Rana and Sukhjinder Kaur (promoter) from holding any position as director or key managerial person of any other listed company for two years.
Ranjit Singh, Veer Pratap and Sukhjinder Kaur were also the promoters of Rana Sugars Ltd, as per the exchange data.
Individually, Sebi imposed penalties in the range of Rs 3 crore to 7 crore on Rana Sugars, its promoters, and other related entities.
“I find that noticee No 1 to 9, who are promoters of RSL and beneficiaries of such diversion of funds from RSL, have violated PFUTP (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade ..
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