I was going through this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socially_responsible_investing
I wondered if someone, who is really interested in ethics would try to avoid companies which sells products/services such as:
1) Tobacco/Cigarettes
2) Alcohol
3) Products made from killing of animals.
4) Gambling
I know many people would refute some of the points. But I am not here to preach anybody. I just wanted to know that if an investor wants to avoid products based on few or all checkpoints mentioned above, what kind of sectors/companies would he or she would have to filter out even if their future prospects look super good?
Some examples which come to my mind
1) VST Industries (Cigarettes)
2) Most Indian Pharma companies such as Granules India, Strides Arcolab, Torrent Pharma, Alembic Pharma which manufacture Gelatin based capsules. (Animal product)
3) Textile companies such as Orbit Exports (Natural silk obtained from animals)
4) Avanti feeds (Shrimps of course!)
5) United spirits (Alcohol)
Again, I know people would bombard with their logic on what is ethical and what is not. I welcome all of them But what interests me more is if people could contribute to the list, so a person who believes in some of the ethics doesn't innocently becomes a cause to violate the ones he or she adheres to.
Also, a list of stocks/sectors which don't infringe some or any of them would be awesome.
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