Sebi on Monday lifted restrictions imposed on 16 entities, including some former employees of Infosys, in a case pertaining to alleged insider trading activities in IT major shares.
The regulator also directed that the prohibition slapped on six entities — Amit Bhutra, Bharath C Jain, Capital One Partners, Tesora Capital, Manish C Jain and Ankush Bhutra — through the interim order, along with the confirmatory order, will stand vacated with immediate effect, bringing an end to the matter.
“I deem it fit to vacate the directions issued vide the interim order read with confirmatory order against noticees 2 to 7 and dispose of instant proceedings against all the noticees.
“The interim order and the Confirmatory Order in respect of the noticees have already been quashed by the SAT vide its order dated April 25, 2022,” Sebi’s whole-time member Ashwani Bhatia said in the 57-page final order.
The case originated after Sebi identified suspicious trading patterns around the financial resul
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