A few details that can help us understand if the management is building data centers as per the standard-
- Strict security levels (vehicle under belly check, face detection cameras, etc)
- Building monitoring systems(BMS) room
- Management system room
- Diesel Generators and fuel storage for emergency power backup
- Multiple sources of HVAC for cooling server halls
- PAHUs must have UPS power backup
- Water distribution system, chillers and thermal tanks
- Gas fire suppression system
- N+N redundancy for power supply and fiber network supply
- Administration building for customers
ARL Tech park, Manesar
Located at IMT Manesar industrial estate area, at the center of the manufacturing hub, right next Maruti’s largest manufacturing plant.
1. Security and 2. building monitoring system upto standard as shared by the management
3. Mnangement system room dedicated
4. Diesel generators already built in Tech Park infrastructure
5. Multiple sources of HVAC both air and water cooling systems
6. UPS for power backup
(note – mitsubishi plant is also located in manesar)
7. Water distribution system and thermal tanks no information available
8. Gas Fire suppression system
9. N+N redundancy for power supply and fiber network supply
10. Administration building for customers functioning hotel inside the facility
A few other small details –
- The infrastructure of the building must be stronger than normal corporate buildings to bear the heavy load of all the equipment.
This process is already completed, and the company needs to just set up the required equipment Q2 FY 2024 concall.
Setting up data centers in already established IT buildings with the required equipment.
Management expects undercutting in the long run.
- 10-15 year long tenures with clients
ARL Tech Park, Panchkula –
Existing infrastructure similar to IMT Manesar. No major developments required in this facility as well except for strengthening and equipments.
ARL Center, Rai
The largest data center of the company to be. I’m estimating a set up of 50+ (2.2 MW) diesel generators would be required as the yotta facility which was operating @ 100 MW had 32 diesel generators with underground fuel storage for backup power. Along with huge water distribution system and chillers on the roof. This facility seems to be requiring a lot more work than the Manesar and Panchkula facilities simply because of the large 200 MW operational capacity. But they also have a lot of empty land for all the required development.
Source – Presentation by the management.
4cf4ac34-8edb-4a36-991f-d16b6f8811e1_compressed.pdf (1.8 MB)
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