If you don’t have time to mange stocks, then best thing is to invest through mutual fund. Go in for 50% in large cap funds and balance 50% in mid cap, small cap, defense etc. There is no point in holding such a large portfolio and get totally defocussed. As an experienced investor I always tell people not to invest more than 15-20 stocks whatever may be the value of your portfolio. Maximum investment in one stock should be not more than 10% of your total portfolio value. Invest in stock only if you are able to give lot of time for due diligence initially, then once you have the stock in your portfolio to track their quarterly performance in order to ensure they are on track so on & so forth. Just because others have stocks in their portfolio, you should not be jumping into investing in stocks. Mutual Fund are there for people like you who can’t spend too much time in investing in stocks or who don’t have the experty in investing in stocks. So take the route of investing in funds and start investing in equity only if you have time & required knowledge to invest in stocks. These are my advise to you
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