Thank you for your guidance. I have further questions on this and would ask if I can ask those separately in another forum?
Sticking to Shakti Pump.
What I was reading on X and I quote:
“I can’t and no one can time the markets. I have a very simple calculation:
Total addressable market is 49 lac pumps out of which only 3.5 lacs has been installed so far. This means 90% of market or 1,47,000 cr is still open to cater.
shakti pumps has monopoly and it is going for capacity expansion so its a multi year story.
In FY25, i expect it to do 3000 cr revenues with 20% PAT or 600 cr of PAT. This will make it valued at 1 year forward PE of just 8.
We have KSB which is similar pump co at 75 PE.
This is a direct proxy to solar and water theme. 50% of cost is modules.
In 2 years, co will do 5000 cr of revenues comfortably.
So, I am very bullish and only because there is data to support it. I am not armchair analyst like Gobernn.”
Are all these highly optimistic views and one need to moderated as there will be immense competition.
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