Do you know how to vary returns and risk from your existing portfolio of equities. Still one can keep portfolio always at Optimum return levels (For the given return risk will be least).
Rather than worrying your portfolio is bad and changing it frequently, learn how to earn better from your existing portfolio itself-you can fine tune it to optimum performance.
What is optimum performance? For a given return your portfolio has minimum risk. Any other weights will increase risk.
After user decides about portfolio based on fundamentals and future opportunity, this is the next step. Along with that if you are using momentum indicator, there is nothing comes to its actual performance. If the market is highly volatile and Momentum indicator shows a flip over (over brought) position. Then one can move portfolio to point of minimum risk-without the need for withdrawing and reinvesting in some other instrument or equities. Rather rebalance the weight and keep portfolio at optimum levels with low standard deviation. Again, in the next cycle if market starts picking up, one can increase the roi and keep portfolio at minimum risk for the given level of risk to take advantage of upward momentum.
Not knowing the direction, then take this approach, one can measure combined momentum for the portfolio and find out momentum. Even then if direction is uncertain one can adjust portfolio to moderate return level.
Return and risk is how you balance your portfolio with optimization. If interested how you can do that-Please put in the comments! I will show how I do it.
These are proven techniques used by Global fund managers! you too can do it!
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