Gold prices surged by Rs 750 to hit a record high of Rs 80,650 per 10 grams while silver skyrocketed by Rs 5,000 per kg in the national capital on Monday, according to the All India Sarafa Association.
Extending its gains for the fourth straight day, silver prices spurted by Rs 5,000 to hit a fresh record high of Rs 99,500 per kg from the previous close of Rs 94,500 per kg on Friday.
According to commodities market experts, the ongoing bullish sentiment in the silver market is primarily driven by industrial demand and gold’s rally.
Silver’s upward momentum appears strong. Investors are likely to continue to view dips as buying opportunities, keeping the white metal well-supported in the coming sessions, they said.
Additionally, gold of 99.5 per cent purity climbed Rs 750 to hit a new record high of Rs 80,250 per 10 grams. The metal of 99.5 per cent purity had ended at Rs 79,500 per 10 grams while gold of 99.9 per cent purity had settled at Rs 79,900 per 10 grams on Friday.
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