Markets regulator Sebi on Monday allowed mutual funds (MFs) to invest in overseas mutual funds or unit trusts that invest a specific portion of their assets in Indian securities.
This is subject to the total exposure to Indian securities by such overseas funds not exceeding 25 per cent of their net assets.
The move is aimed at facilitating ease of investment in overseas MF/UTs, bringing transparency in the manner of investment, and enabling MFs to diversify their overseas investments, Sebi said in a circular.
The new framework will come into force with immediate effect, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said.
Also, MF schemes are required to ensure that all investors’ contributions to an overseas MF/UT are combined into a single investment vehicle without any side vehicles.
The corpus of an overseas MF/UT should be a blind pool with no segregated portfolios, ensuring all investors have equal and proportionate rights in the fund.
“All investors in the overseas MF/U
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