Sebi on Monday asked five entities, including Netizen Engineering and Citi Securities and Financial Services, to pay Rs 130 crore for the illegal diversion of funds from Reliance Home Finance Ltd.
The regulator has warned these entities to attach assets and bank accounts if they fail to make the payment within 15 days.
Those who have sent notices are Netizen Engineering Pvt Ltd, Gamesa Investment Management Pvt Ltd, Vinayak Ventures Pvt Ltd, Deep Industrial Finance Ltd and Citi Securities and Financial Services Pvt Ltd.
The demand notices came after these entities failed to pay the fine imposed on them by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in August.
In five separate notices, the markets watchdog directed these five entities to pay Rs 26 crore each which includes interest and recovery costs within 15 days.
In the event of non-payment of dues, the market regulator will recover the amount by attaching and selling the moveable and immovable property of these entities.
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