The CBI on Thursday questioned Gaurav Mehta, an audit company employee, in connection with its probe into the Rs 6,600-crore Gain Bitcoin ponzi scam case here, officials said.
The central probe agency, which registered three cases related to the alleged scam in October, had called Mehta to appear before its investigation team as soon as possible after his name cropped up in purported tapes of Maharashtra political leaders discussing the encashment of the cryptocurrency worth crores.
Mehta has been questioned since the afternoon in connection with the case. The officers quizzed him regarding the tapes and documents related to alleged investments in cryptocurrency.
The officials said Mehta was also asked if he had shared the voice notes of the political leaders and if so, their details.
The audit company employee is understood to have been asked about his role in the purported bitcoin transactions alleged in the notes, they said.
The Supreme Court handed over to the CBI in December
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