Thanks for the info, appreciate it.
The question here is whether the EPR income is allowed as per accounting terms. It can be accounted on accrual basis or on cash basis is a different story, if its done on cash / sale basis its conservaitve which is appreciated. The revenues will be lumpy. Is it not allowed as per accounting standards to be done on accrual basis, if so then EPR should not be shown. It its allowed then there should be no issues, its upto the investor to decide.
As regards actual sale of EPR to tyre companies, to my knowledge EPR is mandated by law and all companies, whether tyre or otehrwise, will have to abide by it. Its whether it bought today or 2 qtrs later. To the best of my knowledge its not optional and done by govt to shift the onus on industry to hide their inability to manage this. The issue now is the price at which this is done.
The discussion and debate here is made out to be is that the income is not legal and should never have been in the P&L.
Am happy to be corrected on this basis facts.
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