Investors gained Rs 16 lakh crore in just two trading sessions as the Sensex rose over 3,000 points, driven by optimism following the NDA’s victory in the Maharashtra elections. PSU stocks, particularly those linked to capex, saw the biggest gains, with RITES up 11%. PSU banks, led by Central Bank, surged 8%, while construction stocks like J.Kumar Infraprojects soared 16%.
Crypto: Industry to focus on user protection and… (25-11-2024)
User protection and a proposal for a licensing framework for companies seeking to operate in the cryptocurrency area will be part of an upcoming consultation paper on the sector, said a senior industry executive. Even as specific regulations around crypto are yet to take shape, companies are setting up baseline user protection processes, including a redressal mechanism, fraud detection, regular filing of suspicious transaction reports (STRs), among others.
National Fertilizers stock jumps 6% on plans to manufacture nano urea (25-11-2024)
Shares of state owned National Fertilizers jumped up to 6.1 per cent to hit an intraday high of Rs 114.95 a piece on Monday
Mid-day updates: Sensex surges past 80,000 as mid-cap stocks shine (25-11-2024)
Market breadth was positive, with 2,904 stocks advancing compared to 1,010 declining.
Central Bank of India soars after RBI clears acquisition of stake in FGIICL, FGILICL (25-11-2024)
Central Bank of India jumped 7.40% to Rs 56.20 after the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approved the banks entry in the insurance business through a joint venture with Generali group under FGIICL and FGILICL.
Tata Elxsi shares 1.11% as Sensex rises (25-11-2024)
The stock quoted a 52-week high of Rs 9191.10 and a 52-week low of Rs 6285.05.
Share price of IRCTC as Sensex gains 1123.46 points (25-11-2024)
Promoters held 62.4 per cent stake in the company as of 30-Sep-2024, while FII and DII ownership stood at 7.54 per cent and 3.56 per cent, respectively.
EV maker Wardwizard partners with Ampvolts to build charging network (25-11-2024)
Under the agreement, Wardwizard will identify strategic locations for charging stations and act as the front-end partner, while providing financial support for the ecosystem development
PESO approval for high-pressure cylinders lifts Time Technoplast stock 5% (25-11-2024)
Time Technoplast share rose after the company said that it has received an approval from Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization, to manufacture & supply high pressure type-3 cylinders