KEC International’s shares are in focus on Tuesday following the announcement that the company has secured new orders totaling Rs 1,114 crore. These orders span across its transmission & distribution (T&D), civil, railways, and cables segments. Specifically, the T&D division received orders for a 400 kV transmission line project in Oman and for the supply of towers, hardware, and poles in the Americas. Additionally, the civil division secured contracts within India’s industrial sector.
Vedanta shares jump over 1% as company seeks up to $1.2 billion via bonds to refinance debt (26-11-2024)
Vedanta share price: The bonds are raised through its issuing entity Vedanta Resources Finance II PLC. The bonds are fixed-rate senior unsecured guaranteed notes issued under 144A/Regulation S. The company gave initial price guidance of 10.375%, but was able to close the 3.5-year bond at 10.25% and 7-year bond at 11.25%.
HDFC Life Insurance Company (26-11-2024)
May be they don’t want to cannibalize HDFC ergo’s business. This move of govt to allow life insurance companies to sell health insurance will benefit pure life insurance companies with no group companies operating in health insurance space.
Adani Group shares drew retail investors just before US probe pullback (26-11-2024)
Individual stock holdings in eight of the group’s 10 listed companies rose between December 2022 and September-end this year, according to quarterly shareholding data compiled by Bloomberg