At meeting held on 11 November 2024
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Board of EPL approves change in directorate (11-11-2024)
At meeting held on 11 November 2024
Hitesh portfolio (11-11-2024)
@hitesh2710 hitesh sir what is your view on solar module or cells comp which have 40 to 50 % revenue come from usa OR more exporter in module and cells ? if it will impact negative then what happen of india 300 gw target of RE by solar till 2030 ? can this company will grow like previous growth in domestic as well as out side ? plz explain sir ,
KPI Green- Turning Sunshine Into Cashflows (11-11-2024)
bonus will not lead to long term appreciation – in short term it could jump…
company’s ROE will surely come down due to large IPP projects. this requires huge debt – for 1.2GW at least Rs 3,500 cr debt will be needed !!
this will reduce CPP/ EPC – which is high margin and low capital.
am sure such high valuation is not justified from IPP business.
One important point discussed by CFO on investor call – execution of projects… if there is delay in project execution it could impact profits.
also will there be penalties on delay in project?
Trent — A value unlocking story from the house of TATA (11-11-2024)
Thanks for your comments. I would like to mention here, I can be wrong – H&M is H&M while Trent is creator of brands/business models. Comparing companies withing India & even abroad is a good exercise. It gives us a perspective but there may sometimes be more to it. Few days back, I read I think in this same thread that Trent would be next Titan. This was again amusing because at that point of time the mcap of Trent was almost equal to Titan. So, it had already become a Titan.
Both Titan & Trent are creators & custodian of multiple brands so its good to compare the mcap & valuations with a pureplay fashion retailer but with a pinch of salt.
Trent is indeed very highly valued but comparison with H&M may not be the ideal way to look at it after seeing what they can do with brands they create from scratch, the main market where they operate and the immense business leadership, acumen & strategy they get being part of the Tata group in their main market.
Disc: Same as above. Not a buy/sell recommendation. Not eligible for any advice.
FTX sues Binance, Ex-CEO Zhao seeking ‘fraudulently transferred’ $1.8 bn (11-11-2024)
Binance, Zhao and other Binance executives received the funds as part of a July 2021 share repurchase deal with Bankman-Fried, the FTX co-founder who is now in prison
ONGC Q2 Results: Standalone net profit rises 17% YoY to Rs 11,984 crore; dividend of Rs 6 per share declared (11-11-2024)
ONGC Q2 Results: The board has announced a first interim dividend of Rs 6 per equity share with a face value of Rs 5 for the 2024-25 financial year. November 20 has been set as the record date to determine shareholder eligibility for the dividend payment.
Understanding Deferred Taxes in P&L (11-11-2024)
No intention to bump this thread up, but popped up in unread threads and seems something valid worth answering and interested to remind myself. Companies, maintain two P&L always, one supposed to be filed to the Tax Authorities (where mostly revenue recognition differences, tax deductions, depreciation method etc. causes difference from the 2nd one) and One for Financial Reporting which is issued to the general public and Share holders. The purpose is to ensure that the company abide by the tax rules while reporting their Income and the Financial reporting standards are followed for Financial reporting. (Such as ‘Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS)’ and IFRS or US GAAP).
These two normally will have temporary differences in Tax reported (sometimes permanent differences too), since some of the revenue/loss recognized can not be reported at the same time in both (due to points mentioned earlier). Hence Financial Reporting Statements will have Tax Liability or Assets that gets reported in the Balance sheet. Later on, these get reversed through P&L adjustments.
Hope the following will give further clarity on the entry shown in the P&L of LaOpala.
- A reversal of Tax liability occurs when the circumstances that initially caused the deferred tax liability no longer exist or change, reducing or eliminating the liability. In the above case, the reversal is related to the change in the status of certain investments from short-term to long-term.
- Reclassification of Investments leading to the Reversal: When the company reclassified its investments from short-term to long-term, the tax implications changed (We have higher tax rate for Short-term Inv., vs Long term). Normally, long-term investments have benefit from favorable capital gains tax rates, or timing differences related to their treatment may no longer be relevant.
- This reclassification must have reduced the future taxable gains (or delayed their realization), meaning that the deferred tax liability set aside earlier is no longer required or needs to be reduced.
Hope this helps, regards.
SG Mart- Can it successfully create a marketplace? (11-11-2024)
Concall notes. Concall happened from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
- Monthly volume of 120 M ton this month and for the rest of the year, next year 150 and next to that 250
2.18000 cr revenue with 2-2.5% by fy27 guidance is maintained - 330 Mton volume in Q1FY25 (yes Q1)
- Now comes the margin part:
Inventory loss was there in Q2 due to volatile steel price. Inventory day was around 8 days. Steel price there was a very sharp fall of 15% in 3 months… It has eroded 1% margin. There were 6 time price corrections happened in 3 months. This type of sharp fall is a once in a decade situation. Last time this much steel price fall seen was in 2007-8 period. Inspite of having 8 days of inventory days their margins suffered. Any other inefficient player would have reported loss.
6. 6500 cr guidance for fy25. This is reduced due to steel price going down. So based on steel price they give guidance. It was 7-8000 cr in earlier concall based on steel price at that time. Volume guidance is maintained.
7. In Bharat conference call was done 28th September they mentioned they will maintain margin 2-2.5 % margin for full year. no quarterly margin guidance was given
8. No transaction with sg finserv as of now.