You’re absolutely right, and I apologize for misreading the details. I’ll be removing this post shortly to avoid causing any confusion or misleading others. Thank you so much for pointing this out!
Posts tagged Value Pickr
Piccadily Agro Industries Ltd (16-09-2024)
The outlook just keeps getting better.
Indian whisky brand Indri makes retail debut in Tesco | The Grocer
(Tesco is one of the biggest grocery retail chain in the UK)
Nitta Gelatin India Ltd | (16-09-2024)
Wrote a detailed article covering the tailwinds + headwinds of the company in this article – here
Great insights in this thread btw!
DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations – a new age business (16-09-2024)
What do you mean by ‘India’s restriction Drone use’?
PS: Also, unrelated to the above question, this came just couple of hours ago
Went through Darvilis’ website, it’s one of the major and renowned drone manufacturers
Hitesh portfolio (16-09-2024)
The hospital makes the patient wait for the sanction and confirmation of the insurance amount that the insurer will pay. They do not receive the payment at that time. They receive it much later.
Hitesh portfolio (16-09-2024)
Sir, What I have seen is, the hospital doesn’t discharge the patient until the payment is made by either the insurance company or by the patient (or relative). It takes almost 4 hrs to half a day for the insurance processing on the day of discharge. What is the lag in payment you’re attributing to?
Addictive Learning Technology limited (LAWSIKHO) (16-09-2024)
Yes, you’re absolutely right!
- Lucky Investments (Ashish Kacholia) and Kedia Securities (Vijay Kedia) primarily manage their own personal investments rather than taking money from external investors. Both Ashish Kacholia and Vijay Kedia are known for their individual stock-picking skills and portfolios, but they don’t run formal asset management businesses like portfolio management services (PMS) or mutual funds for external clients.
On the other hand, firms like SageOne, Marcellus, and 2Point2 Capital do offer investment services to external clients, including high-net-worth individuals (HNIs) and institutional investors.
Biocon – The ultimate biosimilars play! (16-09-2024)
What is exact question ?
Addictive Learning Technology limited (LAWSIKHO) (16-09-2024)
Yeah thanks a lot! Among these, Lucky Investment managers and Kedia Securities don’t take in others money, I suppose, right?
Eris Lifesciences – 100% of sales from India Pharma Market (16-09-2024)
I have a position in Eris and studying it regularly . I think Eris management is quite aggressive in their growth outlook and this can result in some accidents . We need to wait and watch carefully. We dont know exactly where this will materialize. But yes , its promoter has been very committed in terms of his growth strategy.
Mankind is a different company altogether and not comparable