All – keen to check peoples pulse and perception – what do you think about Greaves now post OLA listing and the premium it has garnered for itself
Has your view/s changed about Greaves valuation post OLA’s listing
All – keen to check peoples pulse and perception – what do you think about Greaves now post OLA listing and the premium it has garnered for itself
Has your view/s changed about Greaves valuation post OLA’s listing
I too. They have delivered within 24 hrs. Though their quality seems to have gone down. You ask about a share,“It is suddenly rising. Is there any news?” They will simply ask you ‘You want to buy/sell?”
Earlier they did discuss about Vikram solar.
Anyway, reliable.
I think in order to understand the competition one need to go through this ACG Associated Capsules Private Limited- Credit rating report Dec 2023
FY23 sales- 2239 Cr Vs 177 Cr.
GPM- 67% vs 54%
OPM- 35.40% vs 21%
PATM- 21.61% vs 10.59%
ACG has cash of – 1229 Cr. and Debt of 975 Cr. as of Mar 23
Dis- Not invested
Agree… or it would have made proposed PV-CV split cumbersome as DVR would have to split into two DVRs of seperate entities
My limited point here was that… this swap scheme was just a means / a mechanism, likewise buyback was available as a means to achieve the same outcome for Tata Motors before its proposed PV-CV split
But they choose the liquidation SWAP route… and that in my view has worked against minority retail shareholders
And in hindsight now I think I should have been more cautious as Tata Sons have in past undermined retail investors of Tata listed companies to benefit itself – be it intercompany loans, intercompany sweetheart deals, intercompany cross share holdings etc.
On a counter point for discussion
What do u think they don’t make profit from new 2 plant at new state with 4x expansion ?
Or if what profit they can maximum ?
You have raised a very pertinent question. I will refrain from speaking on valuation. You have correctly pointed out that growth prospects are limited in near term but long term prospect is intact. IRFC AUM will not grow consistently, most of its growth will be concentrated in a few years (black swan type event throwing govenment fiances off). In a period of 10 years majority of growth will come in 2-3 years.
Indian railways will continue to remain the only affordable means of transport for large section of the population of the country and demand will only rise drastically in the future as disposible income of people rise. Moreover, in my view the goverment will not be able to generate surplus from indian railways operation in passenger segment; at most it will break even. Spending on rail infrastructure is planned at around INR 38 lakhs crores over coming decades. Funding sources have been identified for some (eg. dedicated freight corridors) but not for others. All these are detailed in the government’s national rail plan, relevant chapters being 20 and 21 (pdf link Now all these are projection and actuals can be substantially higher or lower. But one thing is clear that demand on indian railways is going to increase substantially and infrastructure needs to be upgraded significantly. And its going to cost a lot for the governement. And in my view as governement tries to rationalise GST/IT rates (can not earn substantially while keeping the rates high, there will be demand to lower rates) and achive its fiscal deficit target, it will have less room to fund the infrastructure projects from budgetory allocation. And one black swan event (like COVID) which through the finances off will result in substantial allocation to IRFC for funding requirements.
Does anyone have an idea whether the company’s existing and new facility is USFDA approved?
Do they have any sales from US? and any plans regarding that in the future?
Don’t have any idea as to why anybody will wait for the open offer. Just noticed that the the present market price has already exceeded the offer price. At this rate a revision in offer price is inevitable
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