Hello Subhash, the reasons for posts coming down from old VP timers is for the following:
a) There are no easy pickings in the market. You do not have an Ajanta/Astral/Mayur and the early VP stories which are available at a huge discount and which can be accumulated quarter on quarter. Quality in the current market is at a premium and we are all aware of it.
b) There are SEBI guidelines which are followed by most old timers and if someone is accumulating a stock it takes quite sometime to start posting on the forum.
But the above two cannot be considered good enough reasons to post without due diligence, without having an idea about management, without doing a proper risk assessment. Personally I do not post unless my conviction in the business is high, the promoter integrity is a given and if I do not see that something is left on the table for the rest of the community. Another criteria that I choose is that I should have a minimum of 5% in the story (neck in the game). Also when I post on an open platform like VP I carry a moral responsibility that I do not end up mis-guiding folks even unintentionally. The ethos of VP are quality and trust with an objective for collaborative equity research and I try to ensure that in all my posts specifically when writing a new stock story.
I have found some of your thread/responses valuable to the community and myself, I hope you keep doing contributing and doing the good work.