Pokarna and Asian Granito play in different segments/geographies of market due to technology, so its not apples to apples.
@kanvgarg123 Pokarna uses Breton Stone technology which is the best in the world and allows it to compete in US market (high margin) with the biggest names (at least it can try).
The monopoly questions needs to be looked differently. Pokarna is the only player in India with Breton Stone tech. But it sells in export markets where it competes with players with Breton Stone tech from other companies. There is good discussion in this thread regarding the geographic competitive advantages with risks that Pokarna might be leveraging.
@jatin Pokarna does not need to compete in India (lower margins) as it can sell in high margin export market (esp US). Asian Granito can't in that high margin US export segment due to quality difference (refer technology difference above)