Hello Sumit ,
This is so inspiring for me as, i am new into the markets with 1 year of experience tried swing trading as per minervini book and tried different ways like momentum trading but later that year i have not gained any money neither i lost. So i decided to start learning and thinking like a long term investor though, i am still selling stocks after holding for 3-4 months once i dont see any move i sell it which i learned because one my stock moved up just when i sold it… Good news is that i am happy after all that i gained 10% with in 2 months of investing.
Call me immature but i still dont know how to built conviction. I have 10 stocks in my portfolio sooner or later i am going to concentrate it to 5-6 stocks but i just have this fear maybe lack of confidence because i dont know anybody near me or in my family or friends who are into markets…i have nobody to talk to regarding stocks or market i just sit on my laptop all day… That is how i learned the basics and other things.
Your story is quite like me i am 30 yrs old did job for some years changed 6-7 companies within 4-5 years i realised job is not for me i went to study abroad did job there couldnt understand why i am not being able to do job then came back to india started a bussiness(not startup) with a close family member…that family member took control of bussiness because of relationship and situation as i am the youngest one i had to bow down…Gave running bussiness to them ended relationship with them got the money in return…money is sitting safe and giving okayish returns in fixed deposit. So took very little amount of money out of it and started investing and realised that this is what i want to do it is just fun and passionate i dont know how to eleborate to you…
After reading your post i felt inspiring that may be one day i will get returns like you…i am dreaming
As you mentioned Transteel Seating Technologies Ltd now i am gonna analyse it as per my little knowledge…
Feel free to message me(Talk) or you can give me some work(Analysing) so that in that process i can learn from you…