@ajayt001 @avaneesh @StonePitbull
Hello Ajay,Avneesh and Stone.
After adding few more since the small-cap blip…new PF comprises 85% smallcap 10% midcap.
PF went more than +1%, more than whatever was lost during blip is regained.
I tend to believe the speed of recovery was vengeful/faster than the speed of rise during similar blip in august-22 when electrical goods started to rise around july.
I tend to target July-24 in terms of timing to readjust/skim gains ? i am not sure if i am making any sense with this statement.
In terms of packs, Electrical capital goods have been consistent.
My query – otherthan Governemnt,PSU,Financials,Railway, Defence. are there any specific sector which has seen movememnt and if it is possible to identify such sector?
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