Wonderful work. I will definitely look at the companies you mention. And your comments on safety in investment have really touched me.
Problem with being heavily invested in the equity is that someday when you wake up, your holding may have been reduced to a half. It has happened to me also, especially during Corona. May be I have taken heart from Warren Buffet, who said, “How I have lost? I have not sold anything?”
I have in fact tried that too, selling my holding when clouds gathered. The result was selling Bajaj Finance for ₹2000. Then you have to be really sharp in buying/selling.
Also, one lesson I have learnt is of never taking your eyes off the taxes. Now it is 20% of the profit. So, if you have really made it in a share, selling it would be really costly.
Thanks again. May be we can discuss it in a separate thread.
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