Yes I’m well aware of that, I was already invested back then.
I knew such things may happen but sooner or later I’m going to get back my money+interest as it is unconditionally backed by state gov., and even if state gov gets into financial trouble(It is), center will have to come and rescue it. so my capital is secure it just can come with little delay in extreme situation.
After that incident they made some changes in agreement, that state gov. will directly do the payments from then.
Therefore, in view of the above and for the sake of protecting the interest of bondholders, Issuer
has proposed to modify the structure of the bonds and make it as Government of Andhra Pradesh
serviced bonds under structured payment mechanism such that GoAP shall be bound for
providing the funds directly in bond servicing account for bond servicing at least 15 days prior to
the servicing date. GoAP has also agreed for the same.