Good to be contrarian and ask questions. I actually thought otherwise. I thought it was much easier to get a Quarry, mine and was much difficult to process , create Brand, export and compete internationally. Thats just my perception. I think you have raised valid questions and some could be just assumptions. Like for example, nobody in India would even know Quartz Stone and its advantages, so Quartz stone manufacturer has to mostly export. And to export you should be on par with Quality of some one like Caesar Stone and Cambria. And especially American customers are very conscious. So, building that process and network of dealers and market may not be easier for a plain Quart raw material supplier, unless he know what it take and how long it takes.
And what makes you believe granite mines could not have been bought with debt years back?
I think we should find how much do they pay for natural Quart supplier and whats the contract.