To terminate services of an employee on one day notice is Un Ethical Crime

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by kharb, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Recently heard ,several audios of exit interviews, rather criminal termination of employees with in 24 hours.No doubt many good companies has both side notice period in appointment letter.No doubt company has legal right to terminate employee by giving salary of notice period.But in ETHICAL COMPANIES that is followed only in case of gross indiscipline by an employee.Realy it pained to see profitable compnies( that too with great names )doing it for downsizing.24 hours notice Termination( except in case of gross indiscipline) is comparable with Hanging and should be done in rare cases .For a profitable company to give some grace period like six month( except in case of indiscipline) to search a job for undesired employee can be a good practice.More over compnies should agree advice of Narayan Murthy that senior persons should sacrifice .What pained most is that in case of one of employee being terminated ,his CEO takes maximum salary in sector although his company is not biggest rather even not in top 4.Why such CEOs should not take salary cut for poor judgement over extra hiring in first place resulting in extra cost,which is resulting in firing now. If this Greed of Compnies is not controlled,I see Unionisation in IT Industry and in all white collar jobs in other industries.More over Govt should also play it's role as many Indian Pvt sector players are not mature and many are still greedy( although definitely it can not be said for every one and this post is not against those good compnies which are many ,these large no of good employers are doing commendable job for Society and deserve Bhart Ratnas and Padam bhushan).You can see this in opposition to GST , npa problem of banks and various Finacial crimes right from 2 G spectrum scam,coal scam and many more.It also pained to see under play of such incidences by media ,I don't know if it is influence of Corporate on media or media is insensitive to large section of employees.Media employees should always keep in mind they can be next in firing line on similar grounds.I hope Society and Govt will take notice of these Unethical Crimes . Corporates should also amend themselves before backlash from Employees and Society .
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
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