Cupid Ltd. Shares are suspended from BSE exchange

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by bullinindia, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Darth Ji,
    You will gain nothing by proving me wrong and I gain nothing by proving myself right. I shared my concerns and I have already appreciated your inquiry. As I said I do not have anything to hide. It is good that you are not at all interested in me. I look forward to your valuable ideas regarding investing and stock markets.
  2. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    You have alleged ( another one to the long list of baseless allegations you make in here) that i have snooped on you... And I dont take such things lightly. Its best to be careful about what one says especially if one cant back it up. Others in here may be meek in not reacting to being called contributors to manipulation but I think you know I dont belong to that class ( of meeks)
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  3. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Better still - why no care about the losses of retail investors in Ricoh India. Anybody willing to take up the cause ( including on my behalf) :)
  4. dineshkapoor27

    dineshkapoor27 Active Member

    May 19, 2015
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    What we, retail investors should worry about is whether we can trust the companies listed at all. This is not about "risks in stock market". No one can plan for these kinds of risks, if the risks are related to unethical/surreptitious activities of promoters or management of the companies. Risks associated should be bad management, cash flow issues, debt etc. which is publicly disclosed and people know about the risks beforehand. We should definitely stand up against unethical/illegal practices so that people dont get away with it. There are always risks associated with any investment, even your Bank FD is not "safe" in true sense of the word. These issues should concern everyone because the whole stock market will suffer because of it (Harshad Mehta scam, Satyam and likes have proven it). I believe there is nothing wrong if people want to raise their issues. Its their money at stake along with rest of others.
  5. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    What allegation did I make ? I expressed my concern on the personal information you mentioned. As I already said I am a bit concerned but I took it in my stride. How you react to it is your own decision. I certainly cannot stop you from expressing yourself. However I may refrain from commenting on posts in future, which is unfortunate because I thought I would express some good ideas. As I wrote there is nothing to be gained by proving somebody right or wrong.
  6. BombayBoy

    BombayBoy Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    i'm happy that it doesn't anger, but amuses :)
    valuable judgements and opinions, would like to say this - believe what you want!

    @darth all those posts about some advisory and their puppets, new one shows up everyday and after going through everything, it boils down to just one thing - appeasing their master, if he/they were so good, shouldn't need to be defending their so called "reputation" on a random forum with multiple fake IDs

    anytime that i'm feeling bored, those posts and users come to the rescue, but it's become cringeworthy now

    wonder where the admin/moderators are, they are very active to make sure none of my comments make it on the blog articles, intolerance aye


    how times change, the ones who were seething with disgust at the mention of FIIs are now happy with the liquidity driven rally

    sweet times for sugar stocks!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
    darth likes this.
  7. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    you ain't alone whose comments are blocked out. And hey its not intolerance, its just gutless behaviour and/or inability to handle an opposite view.

    so what to do - either block out comments or delete member post

    Had to strap myself to my seat... To prevent falling off laughing. I noticed this in the thread I dont need tell you.
  8. prashant

    prashant Active Member

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Dear BB,
    I agree how actively the thread of beloved advisory was removed . There were so called members who were defending who never posted even single post except promoting their own interests.
    First of all if some one is so good then he will be RJ, will not be selling services for few thousand . But then you need followers to move stocks and you get paid for it then well and good .

    Regarding Cupid,
    I feel its a company with real profits, valuations and genuine management .
    I feel it will come out of mess soon. In stock market we need be master of our money/decisions and learn from our mistakes . Hope when peoples invested they invested as per their risk appetite .

    Thanks & Regards,

    Thanks & Regards,
  9. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    BB thanks for the advice, though frankly it passed over my head. Do you know what I want ?
    I want to help retail investors invest in good stocks. And express my views. Also check the post on Lupin. I am more than willing to accept opposite views. However if people want to conclude otherwise its their decision. I really can not stop them.

    Also on my own thread. I maybe holding the stocks but my views are objective. Not all information is vested.

    Coming to Cupid, I really do not know if it is a genuine company or not . Time would tell. The post raised very serious questions and I commented on the basis of the post. Cupid does not seem to be in good company. Investors are trapped and will suffer huge losses. Trading is suspended and there are no buyers to the stock. When trading resumes (we do not know when) investors will suffer huge losses before they get out.

    Regarding Ricoh India. If the company fails to declare results for successive quarters you really have to be brave to hold on to it. The CEO, CFO have been asked to go on leave before results are published. I can add more here but there are very intelligent people here who know more than me.

    Prashant and others. Enlighten me. Why would your posts be deleted ? I am just curious.
  10. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    I am not into repeating myself....
  11. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    You missed adding the COO. He too is on paid leave. But this is saw on a couple of websites before your post. And don't worry about the other very intelligent peole in here... Add all that you have on Ricoh India
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  12. anindyaswati

    anindyaswati Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    dear bholu and mr dearth, sorry for pocking my nose into your conversation.but please realise you both are respected member here,
    sir please update me with any of your new ideas.if you have time. do you recognize me?
  13. dineshkapoor27

    dineshkapoor27 Active Member

    May 19, 2015
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    Dear @bholu I appreciate your views and your politeness too. Some other members might appreciate as well. There are a few people who indulge in name-calling and maybe suffer from illusions of superiority. There are a lot of good and polite members who are willing to discuss and not drag you down or belittle you. Best would be to ignore all the ranting and focus on what you are here for - to learn and discuss.
    Raaz likes this.
  14. BombayBoy

    BombayBoy Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    @bholu all i'm saying is people should believe what they want, not what you or me say!
    i appreciate you helping retail investors but feel terrible to tell you this - your basic premise of providing "unbiased" views is flawed, sorry, it just doesn't add up, humans are bound to have a bias

    consider this, on March 31st, i wanted to and knew it was a good rate to buy sugar stocks, but my OCD kicked in and thought i'll trade in the new FY, had to pay 10-20% more, that could easily have been my notional profits :oops:

    hello doc, of course, i remember you :) am glad that you thought about me! we all have 24 hours a day and i couldn't be more busy than you are ;) please don't sire me

    March rally was a rather surprising one for me and have to walk with tail between legs

    nothing special, but, bought Andhra Sugars, Jocil, Hercules Hoists, GE Shipping, OIL India, Kakatiya Cement and took a position in Hindustan Zinc for dividend play, also a bet on sugar stocks

    will go in with further investments after results season
  15. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Yes Dinesh Ji, I too agree. Sometimes I get caught in needless arguments.

    BB Ji,
    When I say I am unbiased I try to present the strengths and weaknesses of the stock to help the readers know all the strengths and weaknesses. I consciously avoid being biased but yes I agree some biases can always creep in.
    dineshkapoor27 likes this.
  16. dineshkapoor27

    dineshkapoor27 Active Member

    May 19, 2015
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    @BombayBoy any specific reason why you chose Andhra Sugar over say Dalmia Sugar or KCP Sugar? I am interested in sugar stocks, and I was looking at Dalmia and KCP and saw that Dalmia had touched a high of 500 odd in 2008, while Andhra maxed out around 155 odd. But there wasnt any fundamental analysis behind this, just random thoughts. Although I can see that Andhra Sugar has lower PE and better Price to book than Dalmia. Anything else regarding fundas that you can share?
  17. BombayBoy

    BombayBoy Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    hello @dineshkapoor27
    no specific reasons, i trade on instinct
    Andhra Sugars holds 55% in Jocil
    dineshkapoor27 likes this.
  18. dineshkapoor27

    dineshkapoor27 Active Member

    May 19, 2015
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    @BombayBoy I didnt know that. Thanks for sharing.
  19. bullinindia

    bullinindia New Member

    Dec 11, 2015
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    Back to Cupid,

    The forum members should take care not to fall bait to the vested interests who are advocating a buy of Cupid IF the Cupid shares gets re-listed. They are the ones who sell to others and get out leaving small investors scathed if there is a deeper correction. So, just be careful of such vested messages.

    Personally, I would not touch it as it is better safe than sorry. There are many companies available at good valuations which have very clean managements and corporate governance and no such issues to deal with.
  20. bullinindia

    bullinindia New Member

    Dec 11, 2015
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