Lets get rich- prove ourselves

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by bholu, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    @New_Investor : didnt i tell you that your post isnt worth two cents for some legendary stock gurus??? Carl is Carl Hooper for some one in here. And you know why? Because he is the only Carl 'he' knows.

    If Trump wins the elections, I hope one doesnt hear in here that Donald Duck is the new POTUS for the only 'donald' this one knows is Donald Duck.
  2. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Nice try. of course it will not be of much help. I only wish you had used this intelligence to contribute to the objectives of this forum, and not try and prove that Apple is not a worthy investment. Everybody knows it is worthy investment and it is the most valuable company in the world. Also I hope do not have to tell you who is the founder of the company in the third position, since you know everything. In case you do not know I will give you a hint. It is not anybody who is named Carl. And I certainly do not have to tell you what new investment the company made. Do I ?
    Top 5 companies by market cap (in $ million)
    Apple 724,773.1
    Exxon Mobil 356,548.7
    Berkshire Hathaway 356,510.7
    Google 345,849.2
    Microsoft 333,524.8
  3. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Apple mcap at USD724bln... Gosh don't you even know how to get the latest Mcaps of companies? But hey keep this stupidity uninterrupted. Wish India had such uninterrupted supply of water and power.

    Apple Inc indeed a worthy investment. Ask those who invested in this most valuable company 12 months ago and who sit on a f##^%^ 27% loss.

    Did you know Alphabet is up 29%, Facebook up 44% and Amazon 63% in the same period. indeed apple tops the list of wealth creator and will continue the dazzling wealth creation in has achieved until now.

    And please please tell me who is the founder of the third listed. If its not Carl (Hooper) is it our very own Sachin Tendulkar?

    Will let you in to a personal preference..... Its always Ala carte for me and not a Buffet.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  4. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Apple has bought stocks and hence market cap has gone down. But yes if you are Einstein , then everybody well is "stupid". Sorry can not match your intelligence. Also using a reference frame to suit your conclusion, well that what people who have no logical arguments do. I suggest you have a longer memory. And for Buffet, well don't care, but I wonder why the media follows every of his moves. I wonder.
  5. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Using a reference frame by stating Apple mcap is 724bln when actually its a whopping ~240bln lower than your stated number - well its obvious who is using reference frame which suits himself ( when the message of your post was how great a company Apple Inc is) And btw Berkshire also isnt in top 3 as you projected by using some currently irrelevant numbers.

    State facts as they stand now... Dont bore us with Apple's checkered history for its Apple as it stands today and its future which is being discussed. Funny this Buffet/Berkshire missed the bus when real money could have been made on Apple. But its not suprising given Berkshire/Buffet's super sound understanding of Technology sector and tech stocks picking capabilities. Oops i said state 'facts'. Its well known what 'facts' mean to you. Apple mcap $740bln being another example.

    Media also follows every move of the likes of Sunny Leone, Donald Trump, Rahul Gandhi, ( youth inspiring) salman khan etc etc
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  6. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Yes you are right. It is the future that matters and that is where Apple will be a great stock. Not in one year but in two years it is likely to outperform the benchmark indices. As for Warren Buffets stock picking ability well he does not need anybody's endorsements.
    For the people you mention I can say this (just to ensure your efforts do not get wasted). They have earned their success and fame. Sunny Leone, well people know her. She is popular actress regardless of her genre. Probably her Indian origins have added to her appeal but it is to her credit that she is one of few adult stars who has managed to do mainstream films. I do not know how long her career will last but not a bad feat. Donald Trump is all set to become the Republican nominee if I can remember the last headlines correctly. Was following the presidential elections once but not anymore. I really don't care anymore, frankly. But it is a remarkable feat. He had no political backing, faced a very hostile news media and a one of strongest oppositions in the social and online media I have seen in recent times. But he has made it to the nomination. Will he win ? I don't know but even making it to the nominations is a achievement, a REAL achievement. He will run for the presidency of USA.
    Salman Khan is the most successful filmstar in recent times and he has single-handedly delivered hits after hits. He is also controversial and we know media leaves controversies. I have always admired Salman Khan for his achievements as filmstar. If anybody deserves his success, it is him.
    Rahul Gandhi. Well he is from Nehru Gandhi family and is leader of the Congress. We all know Congress cannot survive without Gandhi family and it is still an important political party. It has ruled India for 50 years. People still vote for the Congress even after knowing that their leadership is decided by family and not merit. So media coverage of Rahul Gandhi is not surprising. Media will cover them.

    For me well I am content with Apple, Buffet and Salman. And yes leaders like "Amma" who even with their shortcomings at least do something for the poor.
  7. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    And yes I am certainly not trying to prove you wrong. As I said I am not here to prove anybody wrong or right. I am not investor in Apple but as I said it is great stock. I cannot buy it so probably my conviction is not much help here. Anyways this forum for Indian stocks not American companies. Also I have ended my contributions in this thread and created a newer version of this thread which will keep the focus on value investing with more comprehensive analysis and better focus. I hope I have been able to help retail investors with knowledge if not financial gains. I thank everybody,and everybody means everybody for their comments. I will not be commenting on this post again.
  8. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    So Apple from being one suddenly becomes 'WILL be a great stock' and only just 'LIKELY' to outperform. What brings about this titanic shift in stance? Got some gyan from Warren directly about the challenges Apple Inc faces?

    Stock picking capabilities - well visit a doc so that you know if you have a problem in reading or with your eyesight. My post was about his tech stock picking capabilities..... Hey btw did you know that 4 years ago Warren had famously specifically ruled out investing in Apple ( and as one can expect Media widely covered this too). Do you know how his other tech investment IBM fares??

    Indeed his tech stock picking capabilities doesnt need anybody's endorsement. Nobody would be willing to in fact where tech stocks is concerned.

    And yes, the names were deliberately choosen to get the anticipated reply. Must say You fared ok. Unfortunately you miss the point.... Media covers only juicy stuff and controversies.

    While My efforts going waste is really no worries but please worry about that and respond with lengthy paragraphs for Entertainment your posts provide stopping is indeed a worry.

    So now how about media covering the likes of Dawood, hritik-kangana, diggy, lance armstrong, rajan and your very own Carl (hooper).

    Congress not surviving without Gandhi family. Wonder wherefrom stems the belief amongst political analysts and BJP that the Gandhi's are pivotal to ensuring Congress heads into oblivion. Anyways thankfully modern and the young India doesnt care about them.

    Finally, its a pretty convincing assertion that sunny is one of few adult stars who have made it to mainstream cinema. You seem to have a good knowledge about it.
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
  9. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    I am sorry but my objective to join the forum was to discuss stocks and other factors which influence stock markets. Thanks for worrying about my eyesight. However I am getting distracted from my objectives. I will make sure I do not challenge your views or comment in response to your posts. If I have failed to convince you with all the facts that Apple is good stock to invest in then that is certainly my failure. I have to improve my analysis and writing skills, and maybe my eyesight as well. So you can comment as much as you want. I will concentrate on sharing my knowledge on stocks I feel are undervalued. I remember what I shared in one my posts. It is good to quit a battle you cannot win. As an opponent you have proven to be much stronger than me. And you are probably more resourceful as well. I do hope you will not object to that. It is your victory. Thank you.
  10. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Bholuji. One request. Please restrict your valuable comments and inputs on Indian Stocks only. It would be more useful to the majority forum members.
  11. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    I am not just planning to restrict my comments but to also probably quit this forum. I have my reasons which I can not share here. Yes I agree with that my efforts have been futile. I have probably made 50 or more comments on Apple. That is indeed "stupid".
    I have been provoked by comments of certain forum members who seem to have or have gained personal information on me. I really do not have the kind of resources they have at their disposal. With my limited and humble knowledge I am trying to help retail investors and also gain information on investing in stocks. When I started my thread my objective was to discuss stocks which could be good investment ideas. I do not see why I should have to deal with personal remarks and insults. I am also responsible for this situation. If can not purchase any stock of Apple so I do not see why I should waste the valuable space of this forum arguing and debating. That is not going to help anybody except provide satisfaction or laughs to a few. But there are other sources to do that. Hence it is better that I quit the forum and concentrate on my investing.
  12. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    This is my last post on this forum. I had joined this forum with the objective of sharing my stock ideas and help retail investors make money in this market. Unfortunately over time I have allowed myself to be involved in needless debates. the previous post will clarify things. I really do not have the enthusiasm or the will power to to be involved in unnecessary debates. If my efforts to write against corporate governance and share my ideas regarding value stocks lead to ridicule and provocative and personal remarks then I guess it is better not to write them. And my whole purpose of joining the forum has somewhat been defeated. As I have shared in the past, it is better to quit a battle you can not win. There is really no merit in wasting your resources. Though I must clarify I have my personal reasons to do so as well. I will conclude my discussions on this forum with a few select ideas which I hope will help retail investors. I thank the owners of this forum for the opportunity that they gave to me share my ideas.

    Exide - Cheapest auto ancillary company. Since I wrote about the stock it has given returns of more than 25%. The fundamentals are really good. I think Exide can really provide good and stable returns

    State Bank of India - Largest bank in the country available at very cheap valuations. Tommorrow results will set the tone. But if I had to buy one banking stock I would buy SBI.

    NMDC - A good stable stock with high dividend yield. Iron ore prices have moved. NMDC's cash reserve will help the company in the future.

    PFC - Another good stable stock. Power reforms can help the stock generate good returns.

    Tech Mahindra - Almost 30% appreciation since I presented the stock. Future looks good. Cash flows are rising.

    Cyient - A reasonably valued IT company with good fundamentals.

    GE Shipping - Stock has not shown much appreciation. But all factors remain positive. I hold it my personal portfolio and I think this is a good stock to be held which might outperform in the future.

    City Union Bank - A good quality small bank which can provide good returns.

    Selan Exploration - A play on crude prices. If oil prices rise Selan will definitely outperform the market. Any further fall will make the stock attractive.

    Engineers India - Recco at 160. Touched 180

    Ramco Cements - Recommended levels 380 odd. Touched 460. Dividend announcement was Rs. 5.

    Orient Cements - Recommended at 135 levels. Touched 155 plus.

    BHEL - Might not outperform in the near future but a good stock to hold. When things turn BHEL can really beat expectations.

    Tata Global Beverages - Another stock with great potential. Let us hope the management can improve profitability.

    Karnataka Bank - Almost a 25% appreciation since I presented the stock. Performance was good. Further upside can be expected.

    Lupin - The more I review Lupin the more I am convinced of its potential. The potential is quite vast. If the stock corrects further it is a good buy.

    Infosys Technolgies - A stock worth buying at all levels. The next few quarters will decide if Infosys is on track to meet its 2020 vision but it is still one the few blue-chips which is good buy for the long term.

    Panasonic Energy - Results were below expectations but the stock can definitely provide better than market returns with time. A re-rating is also possible.

    Kansai Nerolac Paint - Another good stock which is free from market fluctuations and will provide good stable returns. It may also outperform in the future.

    As I have mentioned in the past the information here is not a recommendation. I maybe holding these stocks and my positions can change in the future. Please use your judgement and analysis and decide on your risk profile before investing. There are not guaranteed returns from investing in stock markets and there is a risk of loss of capital.
  13. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    If your objective of joining the forum was sharing your stock ideas and help retail investors make money, you need not leave the forum. You can continue with the good work.

    . Sorry to say but that was your mistake. You should not have involved in needless debates. You should have concentrated on your objective and ignored irrelevant remarks/ insulting comments/ remarks. If you have to do any good work, such things will surely happen. You have to learn to ignore and carry on with your good work. Concentrate on your objective.

    Why? You can ignore the provocative and personal remarks and carry on your good work.

    Absolutely not. Your purpose of joining the forum was sharing your stock ideas and help retail investors make money. Some members may have benefited from your valuable inputs and comments and made money. You may not know. Even if a single member has benefited from your work and made money, your purpose of joining the forum is not defeated.

    Battle? What battle? You are here to help others and not fight battles. Why fight battles? Just ignore the attackers. Concentrate on your objective and Carry on your good work.

    If you cannot do that then good bye. You can leave the forum. Wish you best luck for your bright future.
  14. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Since you have cared to reply I thought it was my obligation to respond. Thank you for your encouragement. It was not my intention to write a public farewell message. When I joined this forum months ago I saw very healthy discussion. People used to discuss stock, share their views in a cordial manner. The discussion was focused on stocks and equity investing. However since the last few months I have seen a concerted effort to target me and my views. Also as I mentioned, it seems that a few boarders have gained and gathered personal information regarding me. As you may understand that in such a hostile environment it would not be possible for me to carry on. The reason behind writing this message was not to gain sympathy but to communicate to those esteemed members that trying to track somebody and prove him wrong will hurt the objectives of the forum. And soon the forum will be of no value to any investor. In fact I am sure you may already noticed a deterioration in the quality of discussion.

    I do agree that I could carry but I see no point or benefit in doing so, either to me or to the forum. As far as helping retail investors is concerned I have shared information on almost 20 stocks. and reviewed another 6. Not bad for a novice investor like me. And I am satisfied that most of the stocks I presented here have rise by 20-30% and are looking good for further appreciation.
    As far as "battles" there are times you have to be involved. You have to respond to personal comments. But it appears to me that my competitors are well informed and probably a group and hence I can not adequately respond to this challenge. And since I had decided that I will refrain from making personal remarks against anybody it was becoming challenging for me share my ideas normally. I really did not want to adversely affect the objectives of the forum. Hence I have decided to quit. I feel this is the right decision and will help me to concentrate on my investment. The others are free to share their views. And probably can be of greater value to the forum than me. In fact if I had the resources and information some members had I would tried even harder to share profitable ideas.

    I appreciate your encouraging words and many thanks for that. Lets hope that soon the forum would return to its intended objective of sharing stock ideas and investment strategies.
  15. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Back it up with hard facts.... Can anyone do it please.

    Or is it Some kind of trick by Apple management to drive down its share price huh?

    If share prices fall due to repurchases, wonder how the scrip is investment grade and expected to outperform when Apple has increased its repurchase authorization by $35 billion, taking it from $140 billion to $175 billion and the company expects to spend $58 billion over the next two years buying back AAPL stock. Wouldnt any sensible shareholder dump his holding when the company announced its buyback plan? Are shareholders of Apple a bunch of ppl with questionable IQ?

    Last quarter, the $7 billion in AAPL stock buybacks was done at an average price of $97.54, and over the previous five quarters the company bought back $33 billion in stock at prices between $109 and $128. Not the greatest move by the company for itself and its long term shareholders.

    Anybody has a answer???

    So the fanboys in here- even a 100 or more posts with no facts or logic and which are just proclamation that - a scrip is investment grade because ' I THINK SO ' doesnt sell. Back up the posts with facts and rationale and your 'POSTS' wont suffer a similar fate. If attacking baseless posts ( which such posts deserve) wants to be taken as personal attacks so be it. It doesnt bother me at least.
  16. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Request to my dear friends,to discuss now some Good Indian stocks as many people I assume (may be wrong also)may be interested in Apple products but not Apple as stock here in much detail
    in India and specialy in this form (except for acedmic Intrest).If further energy of discussing Apple is directed to Indian stocks (as Apple has already been discussed in detail)I shall definitely welcome.With due respect and regard to all,I have absolutely no intention of preaching( if some body don't like please ignore) but I just want to benefit from good knowledge and hard work of my dear friends.Thanks and Regards .
    Last edited: May 28, 2016
  17. Rahul@RJ

    Rahul@RJ New Member

    May 10, 2015
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    Darth, can you please concentrate on your own analysis. This is not a forum to criticize. It is really frustrating to see you inticing someone with your arguments every now and then. I dont get why people who are themselves intellectual get easily jealous with someone who is helping others. Lets not get into unnecessary debates here. A sincere request not to discourage genuine people out here. Thanks.
    New_Investor likes this.
  18. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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  19. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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  20. Srouta Mukherjee

    Srouta Mukherjee Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I think Darth is very intelligent, knowledgable and expert but he makes points in attack mode only. He has made v. good points but in form of attack of others. He has to make points in mild soft way and not hurt feelings of others. Then he is big asset to all of us because we can learn lots from him.

    I think feelings of Bholu are very hurt by the attacking comments of Darth. Bholu is also very knowledgebale and helpful person and his absence will be big loss to community. If Dath and Bholu work together in partnership it will be of very valuable help to all.

    Bholu will reconsider decision to leave forum if Darth makes request to him I am sure of it. Darth please make request for the sake of all of us.