Proposal of Taxing PF shows Modi Govt Total Disconnect With Educated Middle Class

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by kharb, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    People are already unhappy with Modi on non delivery of poll promises and poor performance ,But Biggest Negative Surprise came in budget.Educated Middle Class mainly consisting of four crore educated and hard working private sector employees were in forfront for Modi journey to PM .But what they got as return gift from Thankless Modi,unthinkable even in their dream ,Proposal for taxing their PF ,their nest for old age.Employees with their back to wall are getting support from Rahul Gandhi .Is Modi Getting Older ,out dated (already senior citizen of 65,will this decision spark new discussion for retirement age in politics. Modi already said this age at 70 but from his mis acts it seems 65 may be correct )and has totaly disconnected with Educated Middle class Employees. Does age play role in connection??.Does young Rahul Gandhi by supporting employees in their fight to save their PF from cruel hands of Modi govt has started connecting in better way.???As this is invester form so my this post is only with reference to Taxing of PF ,the longest term retirment saving scheme ,so request members to restrict their response to Tax on PF only and not to drag any political issue ,which is outside the scope of this invester form.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
  2. w4wealth

    w4wealth Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    by next week tax on epf decision may be cancelled. modiji has interfered in the matter.:) cheers
    modiji has connections with every age people and more connections than any previous PM India had.:)
  3. Guru Vachaal

    Guru Vachaal Let's discuss the fundamentals..

    Apr 3, 2015
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    And the biggest ditch with indian voters is Modi ji's Fair & Lovely Yojna.
    We all know that Modi Ji had promised to bring back the black money and send culprits to Jail.

    But forget about the black money coming back to India. Now even you can make money by scamming, killing innocents, doing corruption and selling drugs or any other illegal stuff

    Can't believe this awesome offer ? Yes its true :)

    All you need to do is pay 45% tax to the government on the revenue you made by those illicit activities and rest 55% is yours. This new scheme will shield your black deeds.

    So enjoy scammers...Burey din for innocent people like you and me. I am just waiting for the next 3 years then will vote for some other better candidate for PM.
    prashant and kharb like this.
  4. w4wealth

    w4wealth Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    in practical thinking taxing at 45 % is the best option to tax unaccounted money. by now about 2300 crores of tax has been collected by govt. i dont think it is small thing.
    prashant likes this.
  5. prashant

    prashant Active Member

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Dear Guruji,
    please check how the inventor of the phrase "fair and lovely" was hiding and trying to run away when point to point reply came. It so pity to see those speechless peoepls who did not had courage to face the truth in parliament (including "fair and lovely family" )
    As already explained by FM this window is the chance to pay the tax with penalty and avoid legal prosecution (this is not forever) . This is good move to covert black money to white money . At least they are trying hard inlike previous goverment who trying hard to create world record of corruption . Its very easy to criticize peopels, but difficult to provide solution . Scheme may or may not work, but at least some one giving a genuine try, thats inmportant .
    Peoples whose hands are dirty with 2G,3G,coalgate,commonweatlt and so many Gs will recall only words like fair and lovely . May be fair and lovely family should quickly use it to get rid of deccan herald activities.
    Raaz likes this.
  6. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Guruji, Do you think that Modiji has a magic wand. He will waive his magic wand and Scammers / Corrupt people will be behind bars. Scams and corruption has been happening in our country since several years. There were scams during Indiraji's Government, Rajivji's Government, Vajpayeeji's Government, Manmohansinghji's Government and so on. Has any body witnessed Satyug under the regime of any of the Governments sofar?
    Corruption tha, Corruption hain, Corruption rahega.
    Raaz likes this.
  7. w4wealth

    w4wealth Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    corruption at highest levels has come down significantly.
    one reason for this is that the gov . is non coalition gov. so no need to tolerate small worm parties and their greedy uneducated leaders to continue in power.
    second thing there is no dynasty rule inside the ruling party.
    third reason is the working style of the govt. and policies of prime minister modiji.
  8. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    You are assuming that everybody in BJP and BJP Allies are clean and honest. Is it so? No political party in India is clean. Although the present government is not a coalition government, political compulsions may still exist. Can the government hurt the political or other interests of big shots in BJP, BJP allies, BJP supporter corporates and Friends?
  9. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Two years of no fresh corruption scandals.... WHT A REFRESHING CHANGE.

    The governing quality of the previous governments worse than the air quality in Delhi and Mumbai put together...
  10. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    And you are leaving no stone unturned to bring the discussion back to old levels ( atleast in here for looks like you seems to be having an audience in here). Unfortunately the corruption under the current regime is unlikely to reach the earlier unprecedented heights
  11. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Govt is trying their best to divert attention from Mother of All Scams, 9 lac Crore PF of private sector emplyees being given to Foreign Insurance Compnies( friends of Govt) ,who will give just 5 to 6% taxable returns as annuities.All 9 Crore private sector employees are fully united against this loot and neither will forget nor will forgive this anti private sector employees govt,who want to tax PF.I am focussed only on PF ,an investment option which is important in any invester form and don't want other political issues to dilute the subject.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  12. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    I think EPF Act is applicable to Government Employees also. Right Mr. Kharb ?
  13. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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  14. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    No ,new tax is only on subscribers of registered PF trusts,ie on private sector employees, govt employees are under GPF which is not a trust but govt itself,giving govt employees a slip as of now.
  15. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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  16. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Also, please read this news :

    This is something dangerous and uncalled for.

    Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Monday said that the government will pay employers' share of 8.33 per cent in the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) for all new employees for first three years.

    The decision has been taken to "incentivize employers to recruit non-employed persons", Mr Jaitley announced in his third Budget.

    The scheme will be applicable for persons with a monthly salary of Rs. 15,000, the finance minister said in Budget 2016.

    Mr Jaitley has set aside Rs. 1,000 crore for the new EPF scheme in Budget 2016.

    Where will this 1,000 crore come from? If the "incentivized employers" donot deposit the employee's EPF share deducted from the employee's salary/ wages, will the government take immediate action?

    Again, "the government will pay employers' share of 8.33 per cent in the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) for all new employees for first three years", which means after three years the "incentivized employers" may kick out the new employees.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  17. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    You know what..... We all know by your repeated postings ( am just so tired reading the same old thing over and over again) that this proposal has 'jolted' you. Maybe the over three decade of experience is the reason for this - retirement round the corner is it? If yes, my sympathies in case the proposal isnt rolled back.

    Do you really think the youngistan brigade really cares about their retirement and retirement funds in their 20's and early thirties?
  18. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Is it dangerous because of our dubious, corrupt and non compliant private sector?

    Modi very early on had mentioned that he wants to place his belief in the citizens of India where taxes are concerned. Looks like he is in for a hard fall with the same citizenery turning out to be a set not worthy of placing belief in.

    Its not new that any scheme introduced with good intentions by the govt, is twisted by the corrupt private sector to suit their vested interests and make money for self. The country can go to dogs where its concerned. Did you read about reality developers now planning to build small houses in the tony South Mumbai areas to abuse this other scheme offering tax breaks on affordable housing introduced in this budget.
  19. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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  20. prashant

    prashant Active Member

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Dear darth,
    I mysefl fan of this government (not a blind one), but lets not insult some one who criticize . Lets have big hart to accommodate everyone. I am sure if this government just listen to the peoples they will do wonders.

    Already lot of good and path breaking initiatives been taken by government and it will pay dividends for sure.

    In democratic country like India most important thing is healthy discussions and criticism . Its absolutely fine that each decision of government may not be correct and they need to rectify it . The fact is peoples were just frustrated with previous government and they voted with a historic great hopes, so its natural to have lot of expectations . This is great opportunity to listen to peoples and act for govement .

    Me too do not agree with kharbji many times, but I will ensure I will not loose respect for him or anybody on this board . Lets have healthy debate and criticism too , we all are brothers with different views .
    Thats what modi says "governments will come n go , but country will be always there".

    Thanks & Regards,
    ssgeethan, kharb, w4wealth and 2 others like this.