Comparison of well-known stock advisory services

Discussion in 'Stock Advisory Services' started by Arjun, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Arjun

    Arjun Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Staff Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    I am listing out here the fundamental features of a few well known stock advisory services. The fees charged, as well a few stocks that they are credited with having recommended, are set out. If you know of other service providers, do chip in. Also, if you have used any of these services and have an opinion about their effectiveness, do share it for the benefit of everybody.

    (All services are listed in alphabetical order)

    (i) Alpha Invesco: Rs. 12,000 for 6 months (La Opala, Wimplast, Cinemax)

    (ii) Basant Top 10 (Basant Maheshwari): Basic 365: Rs. 50,000, Gold 365: Rs. 100,000 (Page Industries, Hawkins Cookers, Repco Home Finance, Gruh Finance)

    (iii) Equity Master: Rs. 5000 to Rs. 30,000 for 12 months (30 day money back trial offered)

    (iv) HBJ Capital: Rs. 15,000 for 12 months (Natco Pharma, Kewal Kiran, Vaibhav Global)

    (v) Impetus Advisors (Deepak Agrawal): Fees not stated (Vaibhav Global, Kaveri Seeds)

    (vi) Katalyst Wealth (Ekansh Mittal): Alpha 6 Months Rs 5,500, Alpha and Model Portfolio 6 Months Rs 7,000, Alpha 12 Months Rs 8,800, Alpha and Model Portfolio 12 Months Rs 11,500 (Cera Sanitaryware, Atul Auto, Amara Raja, VST Tillers, CARE Ratings)

    (vii) Prudent Equity (Siddharth Oberoi): Rs. 20000 for 12 months (Pitti Laminations, JB Chem)

    (viii) Sandip Sabhrawal: Rs. 11,000 to 50,000 for 12 months (Career Point)

    (ix) Stock Axis: Rs. 20000 (3 months), free trial offered: (JBF Industries, Orbit Exports)

    (ix) Value Investing India Report (VIIR) (Ankur Shah): Rs. 3875 per quarter (MCX)

    (x) Stalwart Advisors (Jatin Khemani): Rs. 11,999 for 12 months (Amrutanjan Health)
    RectangularPaper and samrohit007 like this.
  2. Ponty

    Ponty New Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    Some notables missed.

    Equity Master - Repco Home up 3 times
    Prudent Equity - Kesar Terminals up 6 times
    Subbaraokunisetty likes this.
  3. Deepesh_

    Deepesh_ New Member

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Hi Arjun,

    I am not sure why HBJ Capital is even mentioned here, they are outright thief's. I had personally experienced their bad recommendations and fake "money back" guarantees, they even tried cheating me in making a duplicate payment.

    Just search comments on this blog and on internet to judge yourself ( , why even mention a known scamster. This is not about their failed recommendation, being in stock markets nobody can be prefect but about their ethics and the planned 'modus operandi' to scam subscribers. Just read the various online complaints and you will know.

    ramesh516390 likes this.
  4. Rahulnabera

    Rahulnabera New Member

    Mar 20, 2015
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    I have had couple of experince and mostly has been bad... Initially they give proper support and handholding but once there call start making losses they dont care for you and your money...

    Most of the company like Smeet Stock; Moneyacquire; rockettrade....

    I feel learn the tricks of trade by oneself and should do his own trade rather depending upon third party

    Happy to hear from others

    Rahul Jain (RJ)
  5. Parin Gala

    Parin Gala A long term investor

    Mar 19, 2015
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    Yes I agree with Mr Rahul Jain. (His initials ''RJ'' match with those of the stock market badshah. I hope he reaches the same heights one day) Its better to trade on your own than taking help from these so called paid call providers.

    I have been in the markets since many years and have tried a couple of these so-called Paid Service Providers who would first require you to fill a form mentioning your details and contact numbers and then would keep calling you 10 times a week offering you their ''sure shot'' services and promising you mega gains. Most of them charge thousands of rupees upfront..

    And after their calls start misfiring they stop giving you attention and you are left stranded on your own. Better to do your own research and invest in good companies.
  6. hirensd

    hirensd New Member

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Hi,,,I have experience 50% of above mentioned. ..hbj capital is cheater....basalt.alpha invesco. ..equitymaster are most reliable. ..stock axis is 60%...
  7. Parin Gala

    Parin Gala A long term investor

    Mar 19, 2015
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    Some tip providers are genuine and some are fake.

    A good way to escape being cheated is to check reviews of the tip provider on the internet before taking up the package.

    There are many ads of so called ''paid tip providers'' on stock market related sites. I recently came across one such paid call providing company on a stock market site. They were offering 2 days free trial. I filled up a short form mentioning my number and email. I got free calls for 2 days which were just about ok.

    After 2 days I got a call from their representative offering me ''quarterly package'' for Rs50000. He promised me returns of 150000- 250000 per month from trading which were extremely lucrative. I was impressed and was almost convinced to take up the package. But by God's grace I just decided to check up if there are any reviews about that organisation. The net is full of complaints from their customers. Most of them had incurred double loss. One is the thousands of rupees which they paid as subscription charge. And second is the loss they incurred by trading in their faulty calls.

    I told them I am not interested in their services. But since so many days I am getting so many calls from them offering ''discounts'' and promising ''jackpot returns'' on trading. Inspite of repetedly telling them I am being called many times by them. Also, I am receiving lots and lots of junk messages in my email id from that company about their sure shot schemes and all. This is now ringing warning bells in my mind. If they are so good at predicting the markets and they can make a small trader earn lakhs of rupess monthly from just day trading, why are they trying so hard to get Rs 50000 from me. They can themselves earn it within a day. I escaped being fooled.

    I am not saying each and every tip provider is bad but most of these tip providers who advertise on the net and offer free trials and all are frauds. So always double check the reviews of such tip providers before registering yourselves.

    Happy investing !!
    sanju likes this.
  8. cgiri

    cgiri New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Anybody have the idea about advisory?
  9. kiran.pathapati

    kiran.pathapati New Member

    Mar 20, 2015
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    does anyone have an idea on saral gyan services?
  10. barnali

    barnali New Member

    Mar 24, 2015
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    Hi, Arjun

    You should have a serious look on *********.com I am with them for last 2 years,one thing I can say I have never seen such an honest and genuine advisor. Apart from the performance the most amazing thing is the guy behind it, ********* **** is just 23-24 years old.May God bless him to become the next big icon of stock market.!! I also checked many reviews regarding ********* in mouthshut also..All are positive..!!

    One should have a serious look..
  11. hirensd

    hirensd New Member

    Mar 21, 2015
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    I have also join ********* from last august....he is very trust full person with longterm horizons...
    Shrikant bapat likes this.
  12. Ponty

    Ponty New Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    ********** is nothing but copying from one or the other advisory. Not one, repeat not one stock is original or that has already not been recommended by the ones he copies.

    Here's a small list :

    Prudent Equity recommends -

    Fluidomat at Rs.48.....**** copies at Rs.170
    Adi Finechem at Rs.113....**** copies at Rs.300
    Kesar Terminals at Rs.68.....**** copies at Rs.400
    Vinati Organics at Rs.85.....**** copies at Rs.509

    And the list goes on....

    I think Arun stock guru and **** have the same stock recommendation one after the other.

    24 years chap can do well only that much. Has he even seen a bear market in his investment career??? We should admire him for his ART OF COPYING ;) :D
  13. sridhar-reddy.yetur

    sridhar-reddy.yetur New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    Even I also Agree with DA, HBJ Capital had made my life miserable after I had subscribed for one off their service. They will never let you sleep as soon as you provide your phone number. I had subscribed to MPS service for one year and then again they convinced me like anything and made me subscribed to Fortuna for three years. Be careful with HBJ Capital, don't ever give your phone numbers to them.They will make your life miserable.In fear of those guys I am not even lifting any calls from Bangalore. They have lots of marketing teams and if you say no to one marketing teams, another marketing team will contact you and so on until you subscribe to their service. If you subscribe to one service, they will never leave you like that and will make your life miserable until you subscribe to another service. You will never allowed to sleep peacefully once you subscribe to HBJ capital.So I request all of you not to give your phone number to those guys.
  14. barnali

    barnali New Member

    Mar 24, 2015
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    I can't agree with the statement **** copies other..Although I am not a subscriber of prudentequity so I conduct a further google search for *********.com review and I came across all positive reviews on other sites. Few notable links from

    Many of ********* recommendation like Can Fin Homes, Caplin are recommended by big brokerage house after several months...Rather than *********.com I noticed big brokerage house repeat each other like if motilal says Buy ITC then Karvy also says buy, ICICI direct also says buy so on....

    I thing no one is copying others, it's normal that good stock will surely catch attention of all
  15. Ponty

    Ponty New Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    ********** is not only a copy cat but a semi fraud also. Till 2 days ago his recommendation price for Kesar Terminals was 400 and for premier explosives 262 and for Vinati organics 509 on this website. After the crash in the market he has lowered all of them down to show good returns. Wah! Kya honesty hai?
  16. sanman

    sanman New Member

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Any views on Katalyst Wealth (Ekansh Mittal)?
  17. barnali

    barnali New Member

    Mar 24, 2015
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    Hi, Ponty, I think you are not a member of **********..Even if you are a member then you don't read the details..They recommend stocks to their Diamond Members first and then on later date to Trial Members..The confusion of price is coming due to this..

    I don't know whether ********* **** is a great analyst or not but I bet **** is the most honest and transparent person I have ever seen in stock market...You are commenting on a ********** without knowing the details..Stop doing this...It is like you don't know anything about cricket but criticizing Viral Kohli..!!

    The best thing that I admire about ********** is the 4 months trial of only Rs-500..They always recommend to try their 4 months trial and then join to annual membership....Your point another point is true, they didn't face 2008 like market crash situation.The real test will be during such time..
  18. Ponty

    Ponty New Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    What??? Are you trying to say **** recommends the same stock at different prices to different clients? Is this even legal? X stock is recommended at 100 to 100 clients and at 120 to another 100 clients......obviously the stock price will shoot up just because of this artificial buying. Another Sharda scam in the making? SEBI WAKE UP!!!
  19. barnali

    barnali New Member

    Mar 24, 2015
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    My point was how a person can comment on things that they never ever used? It's like you never used iphone but mentioning that it is not user-friendly...

    I think if you try their 4 months trial then only you can understand whether they copied or manipulate the price of any stock or not...Know their detailed procedure and rationale first then only it is logical to continue this conversation..
  20. Ponty

    Ponty New Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    Honesty....that's exactly my point. May be he gave some calls to premium members.....why was he showing different prices before his stocks crashed? And if honest.....why lower the prices to show good returns??? Is it to suck up new members? The issue is about honesty and transparency.