Deletion Of Abusive Posts/ Comments & Suspension Of Member

Discussion in 'Announcements And Feedback' started by Meenakshi Razdan, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. Meenakshi Razdan

    Meenakshi Razdan Administrator Staff Member Moderator

    Mar 19, 2015
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    Pursuant to several complaints received regarding the behavior of a member on this forum and his abusive posts, the member has been suspended for a week and the abusive posts have been deleted.

    Aggressive behaviour undermines the credibility of this forum and also inhibits members from freely participating in discussions.

    All members are requested to conduct themselves in a cordial manner and to maintain decorum in the forum. Members who violate this are liable for suspension.
  2. Srouta Mukherjee

    Srouta Mukherjee Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I think everyone has to take note. It is in our long term interest to behave in friendly manner.
    good stocks and w4wealth like this.
  3. Srouta Mukherjee

    Srouta Mukherjee Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I request reconsideration of matter. Member concerned is knowledgeable about stocks and very helpful in attitude. He is positive person. Sometime in heat of discussion words may be uttered which are objectionable but person is very good at heart. Even earlier occasion we saw there was heated discussion but after that things cooled and now everyone appreciates Member's contribution. There is no need for Admin to interfere in such issues. My humble request.
    shakti khanduri likes this.
  4. w4wealth

    w4wealth Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    everyone is here to share and learn. so , politeness is a quality of a good student.If any body violates that he must be warned. there is nothing wrong in the interference of admin in these issues. @Meenakshi Razdan @Vidhi Khanna
    hariohm151 and Parin Gala like this.
  5. shakti khanduri

    shakti khanduri Active Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    I SHARE YOUR OPINION. In my view member comcerned is one of the most experienced , knowledgebale , full of wisdom and deservses respect. I have been regularly interacting with him with pleasant experiences.In his absence forum will surely miss his insightful thought process, which is very educative. I am of the ferm view that in investment also we should know other side's opinion even if it is not of liking and VAST EXPERIENCE AND SENIORITY / AGE SHOULD BE RESPECTFULLY ADRESSED,if we intend to be benefited from it .RECONSIDERATION IS SOLICITED.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
  6. Parin Gala

    Parin Gala A long term investor

    Mar 19, 2015
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    Does seniority, age, experience give you the license to be rude and nasty to others? The concerned member has a personal dislike for a particular stock. Therefore he insults, ridicules and passes insulting and sarcastic comments on anyone who discusses about that stock. Is that a way of expressing your opinion? And when requested to be polite he says he is blunt and ''you can disappear if you cannot bear my bluntness'' and ''keep whining''.

    If a forum wants to foster discussions it has to keep a check on unruly members. Else there will be a day when only those so-called senior and experienced members will be active here and other less experienced and new members will stop participating out of the fear of being insulted by such so-called experienced and senior members. Will that be ok?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
    Raaz likes this.
  7. Srouta Mukherjee

    Srouta Mukherjee Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Is ban still there or member is not coming forward? I think feelings of member is hurt. :( It is very harsh action for knowledgeable member.
  8. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Why do you think it is a harsh action? Doesnt seem to be so from the complainant and administrators perspective. I am sure the administrator can readily confirm that the credibility of this forum has really soared and discussions have scaled new peaks since the suspension of this rude member, though in my opinion its pretty much well accepted that bans prove to be usually counterproductive - especially when a ban entails supression of someones convictions, opinions or voice.

    From his (undeleted) posts it appears that the suspended member isnt one whose feelings are easily hurt ( Icould be completely wrong) and would be really suprised if this is the case due to this act of suspension.

    I hope for atleast your sake that its not a case of a knowledgeable member disappearing iso .... That would indeed be ironic. Maybe he doesnt wish to spend his time in here anymore. Why dont you drop in a personal message to him to check out.
  9. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    . All members are mature here.Certainly Dear Sachin will post here and hopefully he will be most friendly to Dear Parin Gala a contributing and knowlgeble member .Form certailnly needs healthy discussion and opinions of my both friends.Dear Darth posts also give flavour of Dear Sachin knowledge and style ??
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
  10. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Maybe both Sachin and I are knowledgeable, highly opiniated, rude and blunt and so a similar flavour.

    I beg to differ on various parts of this post of yours though. Now keeping the spirit of the season of proverbs alive, let me use one too and say ...' let sleeping dogs lie'
  11. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Dear Friend I just said flavour of knowledge and style.Rest u r adding ,hint??you are nice friend,I have lot of respect for you.I would not comment further and please consider any words of dislikng to you be treated as withdrwan unconditinaly by me.Have a nice day my friend.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
  12. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Read the thread carefully.... There is a lot said about this member to infer and use and without requiring any additional explanation on my part

    Rude and blunt are self confessed, he being knowlegeable is acknowledged by a few already and highly opiniated can easily be inferred.

    If by any chance you cant find where to pick these up from among the previous posts do let me know. Will send you a personal message with the relevant portions for ease of use.

    Did i use anything besides rude, blunt, knowledgeable and highly opiniated???

    So my dear friend lets close this chatter and implied suggestions
    Parin Gala likes this.
  13. Srouta Mukherjee

    Srouta Mukherjee Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    In valuepickr forum one respected senior member has been suspended for 30 days (extendable for 90 days). His only crime is not indicating risk factors in stock analysis. Can you believe level of strictness there? They are very strict. First they issue warning and after that suspension. That is why valuepickr forum is so famous and respected for top quality of discussion. However, Member has taken in positive spirit and promised to rectify mistake and come back to original glory. That is why Member is also respected because he is admitting mistake and promising to rectify after suspension period.

    Like that, in our case also there must be forgive and forget attitude. No point in standing on ego. The concerned member must come back and all those who were affected early must forget and start afresh.

    In another very popular favourite forum (macrumors) similar problem is there. One member has raised question
    Why are people in here so mean? It is said "many people in here are downright mean. Some of the posts I've read in response to others' questions are unbelievably sarcastic and penurious. Among the handful of other forums that I peruse, I've never encountered such disdain for new members or those that may not have as much knowledge of the topics being discussed."

    The unfortunate part is that I haven't felt welcome to post my own threads or respond to others' threads because the number of times I've seen someone get completely flamed is off-putting. Some of the drama and immaturity feels like high school all over again.

    Answer given is:

    Some people are more polite than others. It's just life. When you factor in the anominity of a forum, it tends to bring out the worst in people.

    As mentioned earlier, I believe that the primary reason for the poor behavior of people, not only here on MacRumors, but the Internet as a whole, stems, primarily, from the fact of online anonymity.

    People are less afraid to say things online than they are in real life, directly to someone. Some people will say the same things in real life as they will online, whether good or bad. But I think the anonymity clause leans heavily in the favor of being of two personalities in most online discussions.

    I am one of the people who are the same online as I am in real life. I am me, and I don't change that. If you were to meet me in person, I'd be just like you'd expect me to be as you've come to know me online here.

    I feel its an absolute tragedy that some choose to be a more mean and spiteful person online because they have the advantage of anonymity. If someone is mean online and in real life, for shame. I don't understand, nor do I wish to know, why some people choose to be mean, trollish and overly spiteful towards others.

    So, too much sensitivity by some Members to heated words and Admin is also a disadvantage IMHO. We must have balance. Otherwise how we can build strong community? :)
    kharb likes this.
  14. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    @ srouta, you seem to really like this rude member..... In that you take on the adminstrator and even criticize them. Shouldnt you be careful lest we may have another post by the administrator that you too have been suspended... Lol

    My only interest in this thread is sighting the confirmation from the administrator that both the credibility and discussions soared after the ban....
  15. Parin Gala

    Parin Gala A long term investor

    Mar 19, 2015
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    I request all the members who think that the concerned member is "knowledgeable" to kindly go through all the 550 (approx) posts made by the member in various threads till today and to decide for themselves what knowledge the member has.

    More than half of his posts are passing sarcastic/insulting/degrading and personal remarks on others's lack of knowledge.
    Remaining posts are him giving his 'opinion' on various companies and managements that 'I think the management of the company blah blah blah' which are extremely general and ordinary.

    I did not see many committed call/ definitive opinion with any target by this member on any company. Not even any detailed analysis on any company. Just ordinary comments and opinions.

    Too little talent too much attitude is what I would describe the member as. He himself doesn't have definitive opinion on any company. Plus insults others who try to express their own opinion on companies.

    Please go through all his posts till today. You yourself will realise what I am talking about.

    Also see his comments on the post about advisors on stock advisory services section where he has agian and again multiple times called a member a "pimp" of the stock advisory company. No body cared to press "report" button on the various posts in that particular thread where he has literally thrashed a member with abusive and vulgar language because he "disagreed" with him. (I guess this escaped the admin's attention else he would have been suspended long back)

    Regards to all.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
  16. BombayBoy

    BombayBoy Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    People need to move on. It's the internet! If you get so hurt by others' opinions/posts, internet forums are not the place.

    Nothing is beyond criticism or ridicule. No opinion or idea should be silenced. Offence is always taken, never given.
  17. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    I wont fight others battles... I suppose from the looks of it you have been at the receiving end once and so the member can fit his own battle with you on this provovative and bordering on decrediting post... Learning from the member are you???

    "PIMP" of a stock advisory company.... Objectionable? Maybe for you but not for me and many others around in these modern times. But maybe you associate the word pimp to brothels and prostitutes when certainly the word now has a much wider usage... To signify anyone who solicits clients for a cut. So in this light hope you understand what pimping a stock advisory would mean. Gosh dont brokers do the same thing? Solicit for a cut? what does then this make brokerage houses hahaha

    Secondly, its ironic that a person with no proven idea as yet belittles someone who got it absolutely right about IDFC Bank, DCB Bank. 8k miles and kellton other names which have given super returns. What about DIC and FIEM? Again names brought up by him which btw i coincidentally hold. I am no fan of his but will give attention to any of his future posts.

    And hey i shudder to think what your opinion about me would be? I have not even given a single idea to date. I am beginning to get scared of you
  18. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    I hope now you dont run the risk of being banned.... Though i am sure you wouldnt care about it
  19. BombayBoy

    BombayBoy Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    nah, ban me, it's their site, their rules

    that valuepickr reference, it is a very good example of what people have come to - "a mutual appreciation society", i've read that post and the guy who was shilling a tech company but can't list any risks and is a "senior member" with great knowledge and blah blah
    asking him to toe the line because the "credibility" of that forum is at stake - lol what credibility do they have? it is as good as a trading community irrespective of whether they call it "value investing"

    another case was that admin asking a guy for KYC, imagine a fuckin forum asking for KYC! he replied you are Al Pacino, I'm Robert DeNiro :p

    conflict of interest - everybody is in it for the money and they talk about conflict of interest while they sell advisory services

    if you are in Mumbai, you'll find brokers who are barely HSC pass but will give you derivatives strategies like those experts

    many of these forums/chats/WhatsApp have become a nice ground for operators to dump their next great pick

    the real guys are very less, most of them are in for the "hidden gems/multi-baggers"
  20. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Hey undermining the credibility was cited even here.... Still waiting for the administrators confirmation