Remove LTCG TAX, to save Indian Economy and to avoid a big kick from investors in 2019 polls

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by kharb, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Modi Govt has done three big Big Economic Blunders ,Failed Demontisation, Faulty GST by first going for higher 28% gst taxes before starting lowering it and last but most fatal and serious was introduction of LTCG TAX.With these three blunders high flying Modi / BJP govt is now back to the wall and I had already warned about these consequences . Although Modi can not reverse huge economic losses country suffered due to above three blunders but it can do repair work.If MODI/ BJP think it want to remain in fight in 2019 poll ,it should immediately remove LTCG TAX.Although it is rare for political parties to acknowledge mistakes and that is Why they are kicked out.So if there is any analysis sense left at any level in BJP ,then they should Remove LTCG TAX other wise be Ready for investors Kick ,who has lost heavily due to this anti economy tax introduced by Modi.
  2. Vikas kumar

    Vikas kumar New Member

    Oct 29, 2016
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