Porinju Veliyath is a nano cap company

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by Guru Vachaal, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. Guru Vachaal

    Guru Vachaal Let's discuss the fundamentals..

    Apr 3, 2015
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    I have seen almost all interviews of Mr porinju veliyath. My inner conscious says that he is an over confident boy who buys even poor fundamental companies and is not even 5% of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. Risk in buying his picks may be even 10000% higher than RJ picks. Thats why i dont consider his picks but i have seen that people follow him religiously.

    As of now he may be successful but such low profile investors like dolly porinju etc are nano cap companies and can vanish with time.

    Deep pockets is no guarantee of a smart investor. What is your opinion ?

    I know its wrong to judge others and one should always mind his own portfolio but they are the key people whom public see on TV and get influenced. So it is important to dissect them.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
  2. BombayBoy

    BombayBoy Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    I respect your opinion.

    Wondering what you think of me with all my posts.
    Guru Vachaal likes this.
  3. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    I don't think you are judging anybody here... Just stating an opinion which most informed individuals with some investing experience hold too. But why blame these fellas if novices follow them blindly (blinded by their greed to getting rich overnight)?
    Guru Vachaal likes this.
  4. w4wealth

    w4wealth Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    guruji offcourse there is high risk element in porinju veliyath picks but still he has a good track record and he himself a quite successful investor.
    porinju's picks are both investing and trading ideas. but what porinju recommends for long term is impeccable companies like TCI, NIIT, HSIL, TGBL . his picks may be doubtful in short term performance but in long term, i am confident that he will outperform indexes in a big margin. that is the power of experience in stock market for 25 years and stock picking.
    Guru Vachaal likes this.
  5. w4wealth

    w4wealth Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    i like porinju's long term bets .
  6. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    You can not club Dolly Khanna with Porinju, Dolly buy small cap Mostly Quality compnies at beaten down prices.But there is so much secracy about her initial buying price,that when it is in public domain,price is no more at beaten down level and she always start exiting when stock become over price.If some body report her initial buying promptly at almost same rates, it may be atleast worth analysing.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
    Rishabh likes this.
  7. Guru Vachaal

    Guru Vachaal Let's discuss the fundamentals..

    Apr 3, 2015
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    My point is regarding the highest degree of risk involved in buying their picks and also the future existence of such nano cap guys. They may have made multi-fold money but still have not achieved the level of high profile investors and tag of trustworthiness. Media makes just anyone popular. Porinju was founded by media through various bulk deals. If you have a few crores as inherited money, tomorrow your name also may appear in a number of bulk deals of small cap companies and you become successful in few of them but that does not tell that you are long lasting investor.

    The message is simple - Don't get carried away with these popular new names. Stick to your own dharma i.e regular learning, doing personal research, keeping eyes & ears open and sticking to the basics.

    "One’s own dharma, performed imperfectly, is better than another’s dharma well performed" - Bhagwat Gita​
    Ajayyan likes this.
  8. w4wealth

    w4wealth Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    guruji porinju personal bets are always riskier ones which retail investors shud not follow blindly.
    other wise in long term investing he is good .
    Ajayyan and Guru Vachaal like this.
  9. Warrenbuff77

    Warrenbuff77 Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    @ Guru: I am from Kerala & I know some background about Porinju. He made all his money via stocks only. He is not doing block deals from inherited money. He has a very good experience in markets - both trading & investment. I am not a Porinju follower, don't misunderstand me. I agree that some of his bets are high risk ones. Archies,Alpa labs, Tera software etc. He knows when to buy & wen to exit. Eg. Alpa labs went from 25 to 94. Then came down to 30. He bought at 25 levels, a trader in me says that he might have exited at higher levels. He did not advise anyone to buy. Problem is with the reailers, who follow blindly without knowing head or tail.Now if you visit Alpa lab board in MMB, u can see folks who bought at higher levels asking company prospects :) But his long term picks are superb ones, TCI, HSIL to name few.
    om sangani likes this.
  10. Warrenbuff77

    Warrenbuff77 Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Your post is giving the blind followers an option to think about the feasibility in following some gurus. I agree that he cant be compared with the badshah- RJ. Porinju is managing PMS of many people with a good track record. I don't think he will "vanish with times". And I think he has a good experience to handle those..
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
  11. anindyaswati

    anindyaswati Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    i follow him nd i respect him as i respect rj buffet and khanna. porinju may not know anything but he is atleast better than me
  12. Guru Vachaal

    Guru Vachaal Let's discuss the fundamentals..

    Apr 3, 2015
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    I feel Ramdeo Agarwal holds better knowledge & success record than nano cap Porinju.
    Ajayyan likes this.
  13. Ajayyan

    Ajayyan New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    There is video of Money control, in that discussion of 16 stocks recommended by 4 managers and fundamental analyst tulsian, i notice porinju could not answer the question of tulsian exactly.. he was saying blah blah ....
  14. Ajayyan

    Ajayyan New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    There is some "nano" TV Anchors too always follow pornju.
  15. om sangani

    om sangani New Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Porinju 13 years CAGR for his PMS is around 33% and Motilal oswal PMS CAGR is around 28%. Both equally good as Motilal has AUM of 8500 crore so much difficult to maintain high CAGR.
    Regarding bulk deals its a very personal thing as he has not discussed the stock and for the stock he discusses on tv one may notice that his success ratio is good and its not jus for small cap comanys even companies such as Jubilant Life science, reliance capital, reliance, Biocon etc.. he has done well. He gives a logic its upto a person to buy the logic or not and about the 16 stock portfolio one may notice whatever come may wht, the 4 stocks he suggested on average are doing better than others. Ya he may buy poor fundamental company cause according to him his style is recognising inflection point of company. Ya but one must be very careful blindly following someone not matter whatever his track record is.
    Reference for Performance 16 multibagger portfolio hosted by CNBC
    Farhan Ghumra likes this.