India shows who's Boss as powerful foreign countries queue up to request medicines from it

Discussion in 'Must-Read Interviews, Articles & News Items' started by Arjun, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Arjun

    Arjun Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Staff Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    India shows who's Boss as powerful foreign countries like USA and UK queue up to request several medicines from it to combat the Covid-19 epidemic

    It is unbelievable but true that a poverty-stricken Country like India has proved to be a savior of powerful countries like the USA because it has a storehouse of medicines that the others lack.


    President Donald Trump was a picture of utmost humility.

    "Thank you India and the Indian people for the decision on HCQ," he stated.

    "Will not be forgotten!," he assured.

    He also complimented NAMO for his "strong leadership in helping not just India, but humanity, in this fight".

    NAMO was, as usual, gracious.

    "India shall do everything possible to help humanity's fight against COVID-19," he assured President Trump and the American people.

    The UK, which was at one time the colonial masters of India, also had to plead for the supply of Paracetamol, a critical drug required for curing the CoronaVirus.

    Chloroquine, yet another crucial drug, was in short supply in Israel.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasted no time in rushing to NAMO, knowing that the request of the Israeli people will always be honoured by India.

    Brazilian President Bolsanaro wrote a heart-felt letter to NAMO in which he compared India with Lord Hanuman's efforts in delivering the Sanjeevani booti to an ailing Laxman.

    In fact, as many as 25 countries have lined up to request India to save them from the clutches of the deadly CoronaVirus.

    See also: NAMO Is The Best Leader In The World: Billionaire Ray Dalio
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2020