Modi govt fights with Employees over PF withdrawals as it may have intention of Taxing it in future

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by kharb, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Modi was supported in last Lok Sabha election by Farmers,Ex service man ,Pvt sector employees ,people of Gujrat ,Haryana in large numbers.After becoming PM ,Modi has taken fight with all of his supporters uncessarily. First it was with farmers over land bill,then with ex service man over one rank one pension.After that it was turn of large sections of Gujrat and Haryana over Resrvations. If it was not enough ,he has now taken fight with most hard working class ie Pvt Sector Employees. He has bad intentions with regard to PF of Pvt sector employees. PF is back bone of Pvt sector employees. He want to break it to make them spineless. In budget to help his insurance foreign friends he tried to tax it else you give it foreign insurance compnies for low annuity of 5 to 6% with no return of capital after death.After lot of criticism he has just postponed it for future date .So govt has come with new Idea that employees can not withdraw employers portion before 58.Clearly Govt want to keep that money stuck for future attempt of tax.Employees don't want to get trapped in future tax on PF by Modi govt.So 25000 Textiles employees were on road to against Govt attempt to keep PF money till 58 and keep it ready for next Income tax attempt. But as usual Employees with their strength has again foiled attempt of Modi govt to meddle in PF.Govt is not doing any thing for Pvt sector employees but still it has its bad Eyes on their retirement kitty.Pvt sector employees are just counting days ,when tenure of this Govt will end so that they can feel safe about their PF.
  2. w4wealth

    w4wealth Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    govt. must remove the cloud over PF laws as soon as possible.
    india is adding more than 1 crore people to the workforce yearly.
    in the end taxng PF will affect the govt and employees badly. loss- loss for both.
  3. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Why should govt do anything for pvt sector employees? Is not the super efficient, honest ( ofcourse excluding the chors which now includes TCS too i suppose), profitable pvt sector not taking good care of its employees?
  4. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    If any thing running properly need to be spolied,give it to Govt.That is why Govt want to loot PF of Pvt sector employees by coming out with different ill conceived ideas to hit Pvt sector employees..Govt is already looting huge amount of money in name of ESI and in return providing third grade health services.If govt want to check its performance let it give choice to Pvt sector employees regarding ESI,I am sure all will opt out.Let Govt first improve the condition of health services of ESI before talking any welfare.Pvt sector employees are waiting for next Lok sabha polls to secure their PF by voting out this Govt.If Modi want to survive ,he must immediately throw out all those ministers and advisers who are creating these anti people policies.
  5. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Get the bloody greedy doctors and pvt hospitals to go work in villages and for the poor!!!! Thats when health services will improve.

    And if you are so upset about the state of affairs then either iso working for yourself and some fairy tale super efficient money making company, do some social service for the betterment of the country or just quit this supposedly good for nothing country of yours.
  6. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Delusions huh.... That what U say here gets the govt moving. Don't worry won't wake you up.

    when the tax comes then see you gasp like a fish out of water. that's the stretch that awaits you. Keep making money on the market in the interim though.