Revised apportionment of cost of acquisition of Shares of ITC & Shares of ITC Hotels

Discussion in 'Latest Brokerage Stock Buy-Sell Reports' started by Vidhi Khanna, Jan 29, 2025.

  1. Vidhi Khanna

    Vidhi Khanna Active Member Staff Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    1. The Hon’ble National Company Law Tribunal, Kolkata Bench, vide Order dated
    October 4, 2024, has sanctioned the Scheme of Arrangement amongst ITC Limited (‘ITC’)
    and ITC Hotels Limited (‘ITCHL’) and their respective shareholders and creditors
    (‘Scheme’) providing, inter alia, for demerger, transfer and vesting of the Hotels Business
    (Demerged Undertaking as defined in the Scheme) from ITC into ITCHL on a
    going concern basis and issue of Equity Shares by ITCHL to the shareholders of ITC in
    consideration thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2(19AA) of the
    Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘the Act’). The Scheme became effective from 1st January, 2025.

    2. In accordance with the provisions of the Scheme, ITCHL has allotted
    125,11,71,040 Equity Shares of ` 1/- each to the shareholders of ITC whose names were
    recorded in the Register of Members of ITC or in the Register of Beneficial Owners
    maintained by the Depositories as on the Record Date (i.e., January 6, 2025) in the
    ratio of 1 (One) fully paid-up Equity Share of ` 1/- (Rupee One) each for
    every 10 (Ten) fully paid-up Ordinary Shares of ` 1/- (Rupee One) each held in ITC
    (‘Share Entitlement Ratio’).

    3. For the purpose of determining post demerger cost of acquisition of the Ordinary Shares
    of ITC and the Equity Shares of ITCHL, shareholders may apportion their total cost of
    acquisition of ITC shares in the following manner:

    For example, if 1,000 Ordinary Shares of ITC were purchased at ` 400/- per share by a
    shareholder, the total cost of acquisition would amount to ` 4,00,000/- before the
    demerger. Based on the Share Entitlement Ratio, 100 shares of ITCHL would be allotted
    to the said shareholder. The total cost of acquisition of ` 4,00,000/- would be apportioned
    in the aforesaid ratio - ` 3,45,960/- (86.49% of ` 4,00,000/-) being the total cost of
    acquisition of 1,000 ITC shares and ` 54,040/- (13.51% of ` 4,00,000/-) being the
    total cost of acquisition of 100 shares of ITCHL.

    4. It may be noted that as per Section 47(vid) of the Act, the aforesaid issue of Equity Shares
    by ITCHL pursuant to the Scheme will not be regarded as transfer; further, in terms of
    Explanation 1(i)(g) to Section 2(42A) of the Act, the date of acquisition of the Ordinary Shares of ITC will be deemed to be the date of acquisition for the Equity Shares
    of ITCHL