Keep your head in the game even in the market's darkest moments.

Discussion in 'Latest Brokerage Stock Buy-Sell Reports' started by Vidhi Khanna, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Vidhi Khanna

    Vidhi Khanna Active Member Staff Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    No question about it, it’s hard to get psyched up to invest good money in a bad market. In fact, it’s hard to keep from selling out of a bad market. You see your net worth continuing to fall. You see the money you invest being swallowed up into the steady slide of the market. You worry that the market may never turn around, and that all you’ve worked for, saved for, sacrificed for, will be lost.

    Those types of emotions have caused more than a few investors to fail in the market. Fear drives many investors out of the market at the wrong time—when the market is near the bottom—just as greed lures them into the market at the wrong time—just as the market reaches an all-time high.

    That’s why it’s important in times like these to focus on the long-term. And from a long-term perspective, market dives—painful as they may seem at the time—are the best times to add to your positions. Successful long-term investors see bear markets as "buying opportunities," when you can get stocks at bargain prices. Don’t think about how much you’ve lost. Think about how many more shares you can buy for the same amount of money.
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