Boarder Row with China will result into huge defence spending to modernise Armed forces .

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by kharb, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Chinese and Indian forces are at eye ball contact at Sikim Boarder.What ever our political leaders says our political class is big culprit of neglecting modernisation of armed forces.It was Rajiv Gandhi who modernised Indian forces and there was peace for next 25 years.Now our enemies are fully aware of blunder of neglecting modernisation of armed forces by all govt since then including present Modi govt which inspite of all noise boosted national wastage on Manrega without any increase on defence budget.This is high time that Modi govt modernise armed forces at fast pace.Although govt has enough money to spend on defence by cutting on manrega and loan wavers.But if still voter hungry govt is not ready to do it ,it should atleast immediately put armed forces modernisation cess on all taxes .Modernised Armed forces are only gurantee of peace and repeat of 1962 should be avoided at all cost.More over defence spending are going to increase substantially ,so investers should seriously think of investing in defence related stocks.That will not only increase finance to these companies to give boost to domestic defence sector but investers will also may ends up making some money on these stocks.More over every Indian should seriouly think what disservice any one is going to do to our beloved country by buying chinese products ,as profit earns by China will end up compromising on our national security.I pledge not to buy any chinese products in my individual capacity under any circumstances till China dont give up its anti India policy .India and Indians want to leave with peace with its all neighbours but peace is guranted by only strong armed forces.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
  2. Ravikumar

    Ravikumar Active Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Defence play stocks are Bharat Electronics, Reliance Defence, L&T. Can we suggest these stocks? We can discuss on these stocks and add more to it....
  3. G_One

    G_One Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    No offences, but Modi has done much more in terms of defence and modernization sans the scams and corruptions. I dont want to politicize this, but I feel you are being anti Modi and in multiple posts. MNREGA was not introduced by current govt, and again if you have seen how the mnrega scheme worked in congress rule, you will understand the amount of wasted money and corruption it had introduced.

    They are trying to streamline it, which is good for unskilled workers in rural backward areas. They cant eat bullets for food and there has to be a balance. Else we will be North Korea 2.

  4. Srouta Mukherjee

    Srouta Mukherjee Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Bharat Electronics is best stock. Blue chip stock. I have research report on it which I will post here :)
    Ravikumar likes this.
  5. shubham

    shubham Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    Sir now a days most of the countries have nuclear bombs, if war happens which has remote chance then no one will survive.
  6. Ravikumar

    Ravikumar Active Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Every country will build its defence infra whether war happens or not and in this fast world no one likes to have a war. We have wars in our own everyday life, think about. We build security for our house by installing several things similarly every country will do it. Govt going to spend on defence on every year and it will increase and never going to decrease. Build quality defence stocks in the portfolio like Bharat Electronics, BEML and would wait watch on Reliance Defence and Infra. This is my own views and suggestions always welcome.