Failed Economic advisors of Modi may impose long term capital gain tax to Destroy Economy?

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by kharb, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    MODI and BJP were elected with good majority with hope that they will give good Economic Policies to our country which will be better than previous Govt. But with every step taken they had given a serious set back to Economy. First they almost destroyed Indian Economy with failed Demonetisation with not a single stated objective even partially achieved . Then come a good but poorly implemented GST again slowing our economy , when World Economy is going up. Only one portion of Economy is doing well that is Capital Market. Now this is on Radar of Modi failed economic advisors, as there are indications to impose more taxes and even increasing short term capital gain tax period. Worse , they can start long term Capital Gain Tax. This will prove to be the last Foolish Step as they may not survive after that in any of next elections . After this step their Mismanagement of Indian Economy will be complete and Final . It looks Modi Govt economic advisors has strong feeling that what ever is Good for People is bad for Govt. First they tried to tax EPF and has to withdraw if after being cornered. Now when people are deserting Gold and Real Estate to come to capital market, which is Good for public and economy, but as always every good thing for Public and Economy must be be punished seems to only Motive of these Failed Economic Advisors of Present Govt.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2018
    Kishorekumar likes this.
  2. ssgeethan

    ssgeethan Member

    May 2, 2015
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    Be whatever it is and however is the hue and cry, BJP is winning almost every where. Even if they do not become a single majority, they tie up with some one and form the government ... According to me 2 things will decide the fate of BJP in 2019 ... (1) The 8 state elections in 2018 and (2) Budget of 2018
  3. wild_hipman

    wild_hipman Active Member

    Jul 10, 2017
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    Anybody earning money MUST PAY TAX....... EVEN IF IT IS LONG TERM CAPITAL GAINS.

    you don't like this kind of tax...... Stop having income from this source instead of whining. That's all that you do mr @kharb

    Questioning cerebral potency of others including distinguished economists, bureaucrats, tax experts, politicians comes easy to you huh.... But strangely realising the display of your cerebral deficiency doesn't.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2018
    G_One, shakti khanduri and Raaz like this.
  4. shakti khanduri

    shakti khanduri Active Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    It is disappointing to find such a biased subjective assessment of economy of the country, under the present govt ,from otherwise matured and balanced thinker like Mr Kharb. In my opinion , even if LTCG is implemented ,it will not have major effect. My haunch is , as the fear is almost factored in , market will move on.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2018
    USPrasad likes this.
  5. G_One

    G_One Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Where will govt bring money for infra spends without tax? You want to eat the pie but not willing to pay for it, thats what has made the country like this. You are biased against this govt, you have been, but if you see from a broader perspective this is the only govt that has been bold enough to bring some reforms and not like your favorite previous govt that chose to sit silent and watch the country go to dogs.

    shakti khanduri and Raaz like this.
  6. shakti khanduri

    shakti khanduri Active Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Sir, do you mean to suggest the previous govt. under Mr Manmohan singh/ Sonia Gandhi perfornmed better than present govt? From your perspective , can you name one step of present govt on any front which is good?
    G_One likes this.
  7. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Dear @shakti khanduri, As I am just attacking Economic policies of this Govt like Demonetisation, poorly implemented GST, increased allocation to MANREGA by this Govt inspite of rightful criticism by BJP earlier (a Congress started national wastage Scheme ), its failed attempt to tax EPF in last budget and now this thread is to discuss expected LTCG. By criticising Expected LTCG, I am trying that BJP Govt don't do another Self Goal, for which this Govt is unfamous for. Answer to your post will be totally political and this forum is not to discuss politics, so I will not give here, so please remove it from here and post it to me in inbox if you want any answer . as debate on it will not be related to stock market. I am not a supporter /attached to any party and has voted for different parties at different elections, including for Modi in last Loksabha polls.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
    Biju likes this.
  8. shakti khanduri

    shakti khanduri Active Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Sir, with due regards I have to submit that your tirade against the present govt does not reflect perception of balanced thinking, which is otherwise shown in your other posts. I am also not member of any party. But I see this govt , unlike previous govt, is taking action on many fronts. I have no doubt on intent part.But I also accept that execution has not been satisfactory.But I am sure there will be improvement as time goes by. Implementation has been faulty not because of corruption but because if inexperience in dealing with such radical steps . As regards LTCG as I know that our country will not be only country where LTCG will be under Taxation,if LTCG is implemented. In addition,I am of the opinion that LTCG will lead to long term investing which is ideal for wealth creation and for country's economy.
    USPrasad, Raaz and G_One like this.
  9. G_One

    G_One Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    So you start by posting something in a very offensive tone, questioning potency and stuff, then you go ahead and edit it to tone it down and make it balanced and less offensive.

    Thats how new implementation works too, there will be tuning and modifications to make it work. So do we name you the same way you named the govt given you did the same thing?

    Atleast they have the courage to implement it and not sit and wait for country to die a slow death. Again, the spending has to increase for a better economy and country, they need more money. You cant expect 2001 level of tax collection or revenue to govt and dream of India becoming US all of a sudden.

    USPrasad, shakti khanduri and Raaz like this.
  10. shakti khanduri

    shakti khanduri Active Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Observing short term irrational behaviour of the crowd with amusement
  11. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Don't blame Crowd, blame the Pain Creater, Modi. The same crowd which is showing irrational behaviour and facing huge losses, at which you are amused (I am sure Modi and his Chelas must also be enjoying this Crowd Pain like U) is going to vote.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
    Biju likes this.
  12. shakti khanduri

    shakti khanduri Active Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Believe me, I am no card holder of BJP, but I am surprised to see how a seasoned investor like you can also get swayed by the sentiments. I am of the firm view that Indian Economy will grow and investors will earn handsomely in the long run and this downfall in the market is surely temporary..
    USPrasad likes this.
  13. Ruchir Joshi

    Ruchir Joshi Member

    Oct 12, 2015
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    This opportunity shall be used to accumulate stocks with good fundas in phased manner!!!
    USPrasad likes this.
  14. Raaz

    Raaz Active Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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    Mr. Modi is also to blame for the world markets fall of friday???
  15. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    World markets were mixed yester day, China Shanghai 0.46%up,Jakarta Indonesia 0.46%up,Hanging Hong-Kong , 0.12%down ,and few markets in red were FTSe 0.63%,nikiee 0.9%",Straight times 0.49%,even US markets were down less than India.No world market was down even 2% , where as Historical Worst Budget Ever of your beloved Modi has caused small cap index in India down to 6.6% Many of highly traded stocks were down avg 8% ,and most of investers has lost 5% to 8%and even more more in single day, investers lost around 5 Lakh Crores rupees in single day, most of small and mid stocks had started to trade in negative for last many days in anticipation of this Bad move from Modi and are down on average 25% to 30% from their high. Many small investers who came late has lost their shirts. More over Sgx Nifty is still in Red(as of now) indicating possible colour of market on Monday . MARKET and INVESTERS are permanent but Modi is temporary in Exit Mode.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
    Biju likes this.
  16. Raaz

    Raaz Active Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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  17. Biju

    Biju Member

    Mar 20, 2015
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  18. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    As FM of Modi and REVENUE SECRATRY almost chided investers and middle class in interviews who are already in pain. It is like Rubbing Salt on wounds. We know that ECONOMIC KNOWLEDGE OF THIS GOVT IS JUST LIMITED TO DEMONETISATION, FAULTY GST , TEA, PAKODA AND TOILETS. Now, their mishandling and Chiding of middle class that they are still sitting on profit after public lost almost 10 Lakh Crore rupees since stock lost from their 52 weeks high on rumours of LTCG tax started,another sell off may ruin investers amount at several lakh crore more. What a Third Class Mismanagement of Great Indian ECONOMY . INVESTERS ARE BEING FORCED TO BECOME PAKODE Sellers . Indian stock market is Leader of Fall among Emerging markets.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2018
    Biju likes this.
  19. Raaz

    Raaz Active Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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  20. Biju

    Biju Member

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Even scrap pickers and bullock cart drivers manage their sphere of economy (both micro and macro level) better than out FM. If given a chance many scrap pickers could manage Indian economy better than our FM
    kharb likes this.