Ramesh Damani has staged a shocking somersault by declaring that he does not like Banking stocks. With this, he has joined ranks with other elite stock pickers like Dolly Khanna, Vijay Kedia, Ashish Kacholia, Porinju Veliyath & Prof Sanjay Bakshi, all of whom have consciously stayed away from Bank stocks
Posts tagged Vijay Kedia
Latest Micro-Cap Stock Pick Of Ashish Kacholia & Nirmal Bang Is Destined To Give Mega Gains: Prakash Diwan
The mystery as to why Ashish Kacholia and Nirmal Bang pumped in large sums of money in aggressively buying an unknown micro-cap stock is solved by the expert analysis of Prakash Diwan of Altamount Capital. Prakash Diwan has explained the fundamentals of the stock and opined that it is destined to give mega gains
Guide To Finding Potential Multi-Bagger Stocks From Unknown Micro-Cap Stocks
Ian Cassel, the founder of Micro Cap Club, has offered valuable guidance on how we can find unknown micro-cap stocks that have the potential to become huge multi-baggers and generate enormous wealth. He has explained the theory with reference to real-life case studies of micro-cap stocks that have in fact become mega-baggers
Ace Stock Pickers Slam Intellectuals For ‘Intolerance’ Propaganda Against NAMO
The growing debate over alleged “intolerance” in the Country against minorities has aroused the ire of leading investors. There are mincing no words in blasting the intellectuals for the misleading propaganda which seeks to destabilize NAMO’s government and send the Country on the path of economic ruin
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