Ashwani Gujral has closed FY 2017-18 on a buoyant note with hefty earnings of Rs. 2.49 crore. He has also got off to a flying start in FY 2018-19. However, whether he can surpass his own earnings is the question on everyone’s mind
Posts in category Portfolio
Global Investors Have Faith Only In NAMO, India Is The Only Long-Term Growth Story In World: Akash Prakash
Akash Prakash of Amansa Capital has provided a masterful analysis of the reasons for the underperformance of the Indian markets vis-à-vis their foreign counterparts. He has assured that this is a temporary phase and that the Indian markets will take off once again and shower multibagger gains upon investors
Private Banks, NBFCs Will Grow At 27% CAGR & Give Multibagger Gains: Uday Kotak, Basant Maheshwari, Mudar Patherya
Uday Kotak, Basant Maheshwari & Mudar Patherya have opined that the NPA fiasco of PSU Banks is a blessing in disguise for private banks and NBFCs. Over the next five years, the private sector is expected to take the share of the PSUs, grow at a scorching pace and shower multibagger gains upon investors
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